Discussion in 'Xbox - General discussion' started by Nuts, Jun 26, 2006.

  1. Nuts

    Nuts Guest

    Ok I have a v1.1 xbox that is/was softmoded I used splinter cell to softmod it. I know what error 21 is. I made the mistake of erasin my M$ dashboard and now I dont got the M$ dash or unleashed dash. How to I get my M$ dash back on my xbox and don't tell me that crap that I gota buy a mod chip to fix it. Because if have heard of other ways to fix ,but I just dont understand them. Also if I cant access the unleashed dash that also mean that I cant use Fxp or Ftp to fix the problem. So this seems to be a real brain puzzle. So for all you hardcore modders and xbox junkies. Lets see if you can help me crack this one. I appreaciate all help even if its crap so start posting and cracking the puzle.

    Thank you.
    Ps: If there is anything else you need to know post here and ill answer your questions.

    MLOYLLO Regular member

    Jan 7, 2006
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    I ran into a situation similar where I installed the wrong Bios. If I remember correctly, I booted a game, ejected it and closed the drive quickly and it went to ltools and I could FTP. If thats doesn't work, keep playing with an original X BoX game until you get ldots ltools and enable FTP.

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