Xbox "Evolution X"- Need help

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by FSU33, Jan 20, 2003.

  1. FSU33

    FSU33 Guest

    I am trying to decide if I should get a mod chip but that is really not the matter right now. I know I need one to use Evolution X. My question is what file extenstion is Evolution X? I found a .BIN file is this it? After I do find this program and I burn it to a CD/RW how does the Xbox recognize a data CD? I just want to know what file name I am burning to the CD so I know if I am doing this correctly. Also any site info as to the location of Evolution X would be great. Thanks in advance for any help you can offer._X_X_X_X_X_[small]J D
    Dell 8250 P4 2.4ghz
    Xbox-no mod(yet)[/small]
  2. Kenner95

    Kenner95 Member

    Jan 25, 2003
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    Sorry, This is not a solution to your problem as I am new to this as well. I found two sites
    offering the Evolution X Dashboard but after
    downloading, the actual dashboard program will not work. The skin pics are ok. From the sites
    I've gotten these downloads from, the Dash looks to be a .exe program that should install on the computer.
  3. Kenner95

    Kenner95 Member

    Jan 25, 2003
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    Uh, from what I'm reading, I hope you don't think that you burn the file to a cdr and pop it into your Xbox. Nope, much more to it than that. Do a search for Seamonkey420 to find detailed information.
    As for modchips, I tried to install the no solder one with the two Swap Magic disks for PS2. It didn't work 1. The light did not change from green to orange, 2. It kept locking up and I f'ed up the joystick / memory card control port and had to order a new one for $30

    The X-Box Matrix seems to be the prefered chip.
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2003
  4. seamonkey

    seamonkey Regular member

    Nov 3, 2002
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    wassup fsu33..
    here's some answers to your question (if you haven't found them already)

    -.BIN file: thats a bios file for the mod chip, you need this if your mod chip's bios can be flashed (matrix chips are flashable and come unflashed, without a bios).
    -file extension for xbox programs are .xbe, but you can't read an xbox dvd/cd in your pc, you have to make an xbox image file and then burn that image file to a cd-rw. check out my site for info on all of this:

    as for evolution x dashboard, if you haven't found it yet, drop me a note for a hint on where to get it ;-)

  5. msb5150

    msb5150 Regular member

    Dec 24, 2002
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    Kenner95 evox will not run on a pc/mac, it is specifically made for an xbox with the correct modchip/bios.
  6. FSU33

    FSU33 Guest

    Thanks for the help, because of all your info I figured it out. Thanks again guys.

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