Hi, has anybody tried to install an xbox in a car? I am currently trying to carry this out. The main problem as you can probably guess is the voltage. cars = 12v Xbox = 240v (or 110v to you guys over the pond I know that if you open the xbox up you will find that the DC side of things is actually 12V. Has anybody tried to wire into this side? I really don't want to use a big bulky mains inverter 12v - 240ac as it will take up a lot of room. Just wondered if anybody has / knows anyone who has managed to supply 12v into the xbox directly? If so, how did you / they regulate the voltage as your cars 12v supply varies from about 11.6 - 13.8volts. Cheers MD
I'm not to sure about over on the 220v side of the big pond but here in the US you can get an inverter that plugs into the cig lighter port that isn't very big at all and has a single 110v outlet with enough wattage to play the box. kc
Cool, Do you know what the power consumption for a xbox is working at full chat? Must be around 100watts MD
What state and city do you live in? Note to everyone, don't drive near his hometown! Would hate to be behind him during a 2v2 match! LOL, for real though dude, what purpose would having an Xbox installed in the car carry out?
Comments can appear deceiving. I'm actually 27 and I have a 7 and 4 year old! Great parenting tactic?!
The main reason for the xbox in car is a media centre. I have over 6,000 songs, 200 movies + games all on a HDD. that runs into a 8" TFT monitor. I can have the music on random play whilst driving and movies if I am parked up. Games if I take any friends out MD
Yeah, should be really cool when it is installed. I just cant seem to get the bigger HDD to work at the mo ;-( One thing for any one else that is going to try a 12V conversion. Your xbox runs on 12Volts !!!. All you need to do is test the DC side of the mains input and you will see that it runs at 12v I am going to experiment with amking a voltage regulator circuit that runs from 10 - 15V input to give a stable 12volt output that I can feed into the xbox. I will use a series of diode to allow me to have both a mains and 12V input all in the same case. If anyone else is wanting to try this (xbox in car) let me know and I can share some of my installation knowledge with you. Cheers MD
I am trying to put a bigger one in 250gig. I have backup all the c: & e: files from the xbox (2.2Gig) using xboxhdm v1.9 and created the ISO file. The trouble is when I burn it to dvd it just wont boot up. I have tried using: Alcohol 120% DVD Decrytper Nero 6 Ultra ISO I just dont know if the ISO has created properly. I have checked out the ISO and it doesnt seem to have anykind of bootable files in it. A few members have tried to help but no ideas!?!?!? Your guess MD
Hopefully this will help. Check your BIOS settings on the PC. Make sure that the PC is booting from a DVD drive first in the boot order. Usually you can bring up the boot menu by pressing F2 on the keyboard when you first turn it on. Also, you may want to use a cd with just the Linux boot for XBOXHDM and use the original drive to make a direct copy of. Just make sure you remember which drives are dev-a and dev-b. I used this and it took about 4 hours but the results were well worth it. Also make sure that you have all 3 eeprom files on a floppy disk. Sometimes the XBOXHDM program doesn't properly locate the eeprom files in the folder you put them in. If you do get anything to work, make sure you go back and create the F: drive. You will need to enable the empty space that is left and this will do it. Any other problems just drop me a pm or update me. Good luck bro!
Hi, Ok I will give it a try. The only thing I can say about using a CD-R is that the backup I made when I FTP'd to my xbox (C: & e it was like 2.2gig in size so it would not fit onto CDR. My xbox is already softmodded but it has a ton of software already on it. If I knew how to get rid of all this stuff and shrink it back down to a reasonable size I could burn it out to CDR. You mention 3 eeproms. I can only find 1 on the e: and thats called eeprombackup.bin Any help you can offer would be useful MD
a full backup of the original HD including the eeprom.bin is 322 mb in size. i cant say for soft modding (i use chips exclusively) but the eeprom can be backed up from the Admin folder and you only need the one, if you backed it up previously and have the eeprombackup.bin just rename it and save it as eeprom.bin and you'll have it backed up. after a backup of your C drive it should include: Audio folder Backup folder Fonts folder xboxdashdata.xxxxxx folder xodash folder XBoxBook.xtf Xbox.xtf xboxdash.xbe the E drive should have: CACHE folder SAVES folder SCREENSHOTS folder TDATA folder UDATA folder you can delete all the contents of the CACHE folder and SCREENSHOTS to cut down on space if needed. kc
yes, i did this on this side on my side of the pond..110. full 12v conversion and integration on a v1.0 xbox. here are some links to the install: http://scionxtc.com/xbox_12v.html http://scionxtc.com/xboxmeetstc.html# and the money shot: