xbox game copying

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by gijoe1017, Aug 19, 2004.

  1. gijoe1017

    gijoe1017 Guest

    does anyone know of any free software to copy xbox games i have games x copy but i dont know how to copy xbox games with it
  2. Scotsmen

    Scotsmen Guest


    yes you can mod your xbox and then network to your xbox with your pc and save a copy of the game from the xbox dvd drive to your pc. then create an iso of the game folder and burn the "image" of this iso to a DVD-R with nero all this software is out there and FREE.


  3. mrperry05

    mrperry05 Guest

    how do you network it up ?
  4. clarky

    clarky Regular member

    Feb 2, 2004
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    You need a new dashboard for your xbox that gives you the ability to assign it an ip address.

    (The most popular is EVO X, you can get an auto installer from slayers or fire fuckers. If you want to find xbox apps go to go to tutorials and click on mirc. All you need to find will be explained here. While your there check out the other tutorials on backing up the games once you network to your xbox).

    Then you connect to your xbox from you pc via a cross over cable with a ftp program such as flash fxp.

    The cross over cable simply goes directly into your pc network interface card and then into your xbox system link slot. You connect to your xbox through the ftp client (fxp etc) by typing in the ip address of your xbox (which you assign through the new dashboard) and user name and password - xbox, xbox.

    you will then see the folders of your xbox. Once you get to this step, post again and we will help you out with transfering the files, patching the .xbe files, creating the iso and burning it to disk.

    Any more q's pm me or ask them here.

  5. ghost_0

    ghost_0 Member

    Sep 19, 2004
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    can i make a copy of an xbox game without putting a mod into my xbox.
  6. clarky

    clarky Regular member

    Feb 2, 2004
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  7. goodvibe1

    goodvibe1 Member

    Sep 18, 2004
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    Thanks Clarky for the the short but effective tutorial, if you ahve the time could you please continue with transfering the files, patching the .xbe files, creating the iso and burning it to disk. I know its scattered throughout the forums....but If you coudl sum it all up like the first part I will better understand it...thasnk in advance
    p.s. what chip would you recomend..DMS XBit Xbox Mod Chip (X-B.I.T)*solderless*.... X-Ecuter 2.3B Pro Xbox ModChip...or the Xbox Aladdin Live Mod Chip (v1-1.6).

  8. clarky

    clarky Regular member

    Feb 2, 2004
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    ok so you have successfully connected to your xbox through fxp or a similar program?

    assuming this - First thing to do is go to go to tools, go to iso creators / extractors and download these two programs - craxtion 4 and qwix. (craxtion 4 is good and a little easier to use but it has trouble with some games eg alias and fable).

    Qwix will be fine to use on its own if you want but craxtion has a great multigame wizard in it.

    Ok now open you ftp client, and connect to the xbox.

    Now you will have your PC files displayed on the left hand side of the screen and your xbox files on the right hand side (cde xyz).

    (before you connect put a game in the xbox d drive)

    ok now double click on the d icon on the right hand side of the screen. All the xbox game files will now be displayed.

    On the PC side of the screen create a new folder to save your game into. eg desktop, spiderman 2. Now open that folder on the left hand side (double click) and as you would expect it is empty...

    Now highlight the games files on the righthand side of the screen with the mouse. Click on the selected area hold the button in and drag the files into your new pc folder.

    The transfer should begin. Normally at around 1.5+ meg a second.

    Now when the game is complete your ftp client will tell you how much was transfered and the time taken. Now you can begin with the next section.

    Qwix - open qwix and select tools, choose xbe patcher, now search locate your folder ie spiderman 2 and click on the files that end in .xbe You must patch ALL the xbe files.


    Craxtion - open craxtion 4 - a wizard will open, choose patch iso/xbe choose the xbe files again (you will have to select xbe at the bottom from iso which is the default).

    Now you can create the iso.

    QWIX - click on create iso, click on the three little ... next to local folder. find the spiderman folder and open it.

    Now click create iso and choose a folder for the iso file. this cannot be located within the same files as the data is located. Within around 5 mins the iso will be created.

    Craxtion - no need to explain here - very straight forward.

    Now you will have an iso file and your raw data folder.
    Open nero click on open, choose all image files, choose your iso, and burn DONT CHANGE ANY OTHER SETTINGS.


    RECORD NOW - open record now, choose image, choose DAO closed, 2048 dvd. And burn.

    This should be all you need to do.

    Let me know how you go.
  9. waldo_911

    waldo_911 Member

    Oct 2, 2004
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    I'm having the same problem, and I'm new to this stuff and all i need to know is what is an "ftp client"???
  10. dennis2

    dennis2 Guest

    Hi. I have a working backup of an xbox game. I wanted to create another backup from this existing backup that I have. If I'm gonna use nero would choosing the "Copy an Entire Disc" option copy my xbox game properly. remember that my source disc here is also a backup. would my new backup boot up in my xbox. my xbox has been modified so it reads backup games.

    last question. is it true using dvd-r discs that has a violet or blue writing surface damage the lens of my xbox? someone told me that i'm better off using a dvd-r that has silver or gold writing surface. according to my source. a dvd-r with a blue or violet writing surface would damage my xbox. unfortunately I couldn't find this kind of disc here in our country.
  11. palmbay

    palmbay Guest

    Do you know what to do if the xbox won't load a game in the HDD Loader as its too big? Yager is 5.365 Gb. I have heard Craxtion 4 will copy directly from the Xbox tray and FTP to the PC but haven't had much luck. Any advice apart from get a bigger Hard Disk for the Xbox. If I have to go down that route are they hard to fit?
  12. clarky

    clarky Regular member

    Feb 2, 2004
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    Yager can be 'chopped' to fit on a dvd. I have a copy myself. I will edit this post tonight with the webpage that will tell you what you can remove from each game in order to fit them onto a dvd.
  13. palmbay

    palmbay Guest

    I have to be able to load it on a standard Xbox HDD first!
  14. clarky

    clarky Regular member

    Feb 2, 2004
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  15. demo666

    demo666 Member

    Oct 13, 2004
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    Do you know of any software (like kazaa or some file sharing program) so you can download xbox games to your hardrive, then burn them to DVD so you can play them on your xbox...
  16. kannata11

    kannata11 Member

    Sep 8, 2004
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    can u copy games that are already on the hard drive in you xbox
  17. captwrath

    captwrath Member

    Oct 26, 2004
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    Hey boys n girls, I was just reading this and thought i might throw a few words in....... If you are copying the games to the hard drive first before tranfering them to ur pc....then the chances are that the .xbe files will already be patched..that is assuming that you are running evo-x or x-bit or similar.., If you are copying the files straight from the xbox rom then yes you will need to craxtify them... BUT The need to burn an ISO image was overcome years ago. Once you have the files, simply burn them as a data dvd. Where a lot of ppl go wrong when doing this is that they burn the files to a dvd within a folder....make sure you burn the files exactly as they appear inside your directory with the default xbe etc. out in the cold. and no problems. If you have a game that is too big to fit on a single layer disc (like enter the matrix) you will need to replace some useless files with smaller ones named the same (usually audio files)

    How to patch most games if not installing to Xbox hard drive first:

    change default.xbe 7D to EB

    00 74 4B E8 CA FD FF FF 85 C0 7D 06 33 C0 50 50 EB 44 F6 05

    00 74 4B E8 CA FD FF FF 85 C0 EB 06 33 C0 50 50 EB 44 F6 05


    E8CAFDFFFF85C07D inside the default.xbe file and it worked fine.

    Matrix Crack

    The matrix patch changes the long file names to shorter ones so you can copy it over and changes the .xbe file to reflect that.

    2003.05.06. Enter_The_Matrix_FIX_FOR_THE_GAME_CRASHING_AFTER_PROJECTX_FIX.tar

    Go have a look around at thats the spot to find all the ppl in the know
  18. captwrath

    captwrath Member

    Oct 26, 2004
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    Oh yeh....and at xbox-scene you will find tutorials on how to network with ur x-box but some are bullshit.

    If you have a NIC then just plug the box into your NIC with a 'CROSSOVER' rj45. set ur xbox to a static IP of which results in a s'net mask of and set the default gatway to now save and exit. turn your box off and go to your pc and go to the properties of your NIC and scroll through and highlight tcp/ip and open it's properties. set the NIC to static ip of and the subnet and ok and close. now open your ftp program (i prefer flashfxp but any decent one will do) now walk over and turn your box on and (all this time i am assuming you have got evo-x or similar loaded) your ip will appear at the top of the dashboard. now if you are running flashfxp go to "sites" at the top then site manager and then you will fill out the fields with
    site name=xbox
    user and pass both= xbox
    and the port is always 21

    save this and click connect and your xbox hdd folders will appear....If you follow this exactly THEY WILL.
    from there its just learnin to drive.

    If you have a cable internet connection you will hust have to go back to your NIC properties later and change back to aquire IP automatic.
    You can set your pc up as a DHCP server and assign the xbox a different ip each time if you like but it can be a pain in the arse and also its easier anyway to chang NIC settings than changing your ftp settings each time.

    fool proof if you are an average switched on operator... for those of you who dont really understand what has been said, I wish you luck...i suggest reading some tutorials at xbox-scene....
    happy burnin.
  19. petypablo

    petypablo Member

    Oct 22, 2004
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    Hey can you help me?
    I have a xbit V1.5 and I cant back up my xbox games to my hard drive. The farest I can go is getting a connection from my xbit to my computer (Using my flash software)do you know how to back up xbox games to my hard drive w/ the xbit. If you could please direct me on how to.
  20. captwrath

    captwrath Member

    Oct 26, 2004
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    which hdd can u not copy them to? xbox or pc? if you can access your xbox hdd from your pc, im not sure why you can't transfer files. are you running a firewall or something? you need to describe the problem and exactly when it happens because there could be a million reasons from what you have said.

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