i am an avid video gamer/ collector. i play games on any system that has a unique game that you can't get anywhere else. remember amd vs intel? this still goes on now. amd did away with ghz naming unlike intel. u know y? because it is not numbers. all u non-techie poser people wanna think is the biggest number is king. that is largely incorrect. that is y amd has athlon 64 3200+ meaning it performs like a 3.2ghz in regards to specs and tests. but what does it run at? 2.0ghz. numbers mean nothing. it just goes to show how dumb most people are with technology and how good companies are at exploiting that fact. as for live. anyone... i mean ANYONE who has played on xbox live and then gone to ps2 online services is horribly dissapointed. it is WELL worth the 5 bucks a month. u spend more than that on candy bars people! online is the wave of the future and if sony doesn't get an infrastructure in place, they are going to be in serious trouble. don't beleive me? just watch. also. rumors are floating around for a lot of things such as the ps3 being 600 bucks...ouch. if the xbox can produce graphics even close to that for 300 what are u gonna choose? now granted sony has good games and some good publishers on their side. but lets keep something in mind here: game developers are loving this system. u know y? it's easy to make games on and the sheer power is amazing. sure the sony might beat it when it comes out in graphics (although i seriously doubt it as numbers mean nothing to me) but the ps3 is definately going to have a steeper learning curve for programming which will make developers say, "wait a minute: 2 year development on xbox 360 with 10 less polygons or 4 year development with 10 more and slower profit turn-around time?" easy decision. m$ is also not going to let all the good game maker names get away. names like ea,sega,ubisoft and who can forget rockstar will finally be able to realize gaming potential with amazing headroom on a techincal level. all this can be sumed up in one word and one number: halo 3.
[bold]Quote ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All u non-techie poser people wanna think is the biggest number is king. that is largely incorrect. that is y amd has athlon 64 3200+ meaning it performs like a 3.2ghz in regards to specs and tests. but what does it run at? 2.0ghz. numbers mean nothing. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [/bold]Now you see...dem are fighting words. BTW GrandpaBW, break out the Atari and let me wup yer hide, lol
Yeah a mouthful of horse sh**. Listen fattymc, you can take halo 3 and shove it right up yer a** cheeks. Halo is the most overrated game out there...there are way too many games like halo already. Halo 2 was a big dissapointment compared to halo 1. PS3 and Revolution are Next-Gen...360 is not. Look at games like Metal Gear Solid 4, WarHawk, and Killzone for PS3. I am personally tired of shooting plasma rifles at things, cuz I can do that in just about every other MMO out for PC. And yes Sony officials did mention that PS3 is going to be expensive and not every household will be able to get one, but I'd rather save my money and get a Next-Gen console.
To Fattymc : read it and weep : http://games.slashdot.org/games/05/11/23/138200.shtml?tid=128&tid=211&tid=10
I see another Halo hater! Halo is not overrated, it is one of the best games in the industry, and it deserves the reviews it gets. I also smell Sony FanBoy in you, no wonder you were trying to defend the games of the PS3. Yeah i do look at them, what a bunch of sh*t. Did they also mention that the conroller looks like a weird sex toy? The top 3 biggest mistakes Sony has made: 1) Starting the PS3 project. 2) Making the PS3 controller. 3) Making something that came from Ken Kutaragi's a**.
I could say exactly the same to you Oh yeah of course lemme guess.....you like Halo. Now THAT is a sack 'o sh*t. TOP 3 biggest mistakes Microsoft has made: 1)Existing 2)Creating Xbox 360 while Bill Gates was j*cking off to barnyard $ex 3)Not adding anything new and revolutionary to the 360 Right now I am reading the Xbox 360 forums and laughing at all the losers who bought a 360 and now are having all kinds of problems with them.
Oh no, i'm loyal to neither Microsoft nor Sony. Oh yes, indeed I like Halo, but go say its a sack 'o sh*t to half the people on aD, and tell me what they think. I would like to continue this very childish and immature disscution, but it would be a waste of my life.
okay lets close this thread before there's bloodshed... some people like XBOX, some people like Playstation...just leave it at that!
I'm sorry but I missed the part where this thread helped anybody. Yea its in the saftey valve but still this is not needed. For all you people who can't seem to grasp the fact that people have [bold]PREFERENCES[/bold] and like to argue pointless crap for no reason just stay away from AD.