Haha nah he's probably not nut. All you have to do is install a modchip, replace the bios, install an alternative dashboard, and you can replace the factory HDD (8-10GB) to however big HDD you want. I have a 250GB in mine right now.
A brand new xbox, no modifications...80gig hd... hes definently nuts!! And he wouldnt know where to begin about installing a mod, replacing bios etc...that would be like a mission to mars for him lol : ) well 250GB, what are the advantages of having such a big hd in your xbox..? : )
The advantage of a big HDD is you can have a lot of games/music/movies/emulators on your xbox without the mess of carrying the discs around. Everything is there in your box and ready to be played. Actually 250GB is not that big. After it's formatted it's only 237GB or so available. I have about 55 games on my box, 7 emulators with all the roms, and only 30GB is left. That's why I have this mod that lets me add 2 more HDDs to the box. You can check it out if you're interested. I think it's a pretty cool mod. http://www.teamxtender.com/