Hi hows it goin everyone? i was wondering what is the max amount of GB on a hardrive you can install to your xbox? or even just an ideal amount. Heres another question, what type of hard drive does it have to be to put in an xbox? does it have to be a special type or can you take any hard drive out of any computer and install. soryy im a noob as they say tryn to learn as much as i can cuz this shit is fuckin sweet! thx yall
Most western digitals work. It has to be an IDE hard drive though. I have put a 120 in one box and another 120 in another box, both were western digital and I had no problems. This will hold plenty of whatever you would like to put on it.
okay well i dont know how much the max you can put in but i know the max for the E: drive is 137GB then you format the F: Drive for the rest... but i would just get a 250 thats one of the more common ones people get... um and no...not any hard drive you must make sure its an IDE .. which is a wide connect cable at the end of it....the newer hard drives have really small connect cable.... and the hard drive MUST be lockable and unlockable if not then you will get error messages and if you have a softmodded xbox you have to format it using a disk you make and another computer. there are many tutorials about swapping hard drives with a softmodded xbox
i have used western digital, maxtor and seagate, i had no issues with these hdd's. however if you have a softmodded xbox, and using sid4 as the softmod, i did have issues with the eeprom givin to me(kept getting error 6) but i just unsoftmodded and used sid 2 and everything worked perfect.
It's a feature in some of the dsah's. I know unleash will let you. If you use krayzies ndure installer for your osftmod you have the option right away of enabling and formating f and g.