Xbox HD Crashed, need help

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by Sasquach1, May 15, 2007.

  1. Sasquach1

    Sasquach1 Guest

    Hi. My xbox HD recently went out and I need to at least be able to get the original dashboard on another HD. I recently bought a 80 GB hard drive and I need to know the exact steps to be able to get the xbox files on the HD in the right place so that it can boot it up, just like it was a regular xbox. My friends have original and modded xboxs, so I don't need the files because I can just FTP to theirs and get their info off. But...I need to know what I need, where to put it, and if I need to partition the HD or not.
    COB Sasquach
  2. steimy

    steimy Active member

    Dec 2, 2004
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    depends how your Xbox is modded.
    If you have a modchip then it is very simpel
    1. take out the old drive
    2. stick in the new drive
    3. use Slayer 2.7 to format it and install everything your Xbox could need (well except your games and gamesaves)

    If you have a softmodded system, and did not back up your EEPROM file on your PC you may be screwed. That file is needed for building any other drive that will be used in that Xbox. There may be another way to build it by having an xbox with a mod chip but i do not remember if the EEPROM file was required.

    here are some things you can read.
  3. Sasquach1

    Sasquach1 Guest

    and if we just did a softmod with Sid4?
  4. steimy

    steimy Active member

    Dec 2, 2004
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    without backing up the EEPROM file after you were done, which should always be done when softmodding, i am not sure what you can do. Most methods i know require that file to build a new drive. Each Xbox HDD is "locked" to a specific console with the EEPROM file. Now with a mod chip it is no problem. You just take one out and throw another drive in and your done. But a softmod is different. You need to build a new hard drive with the consoles current EEPROM file for the Xbox to accept it.

    Like i said above. I think there may be another way if you have a friend with a chipped Xbox. But you will have to look into it. That or you can get a cheap chip installed. I suggest the DuoX2 which is about $20 for the chip. Then you will be much happier. You can recover from problems like these in a matter of 10 minutes.
    you can build an EEPROM reader to get it, but having a chip installed is much easier.
    this may help you.
  5. Sasquach1

    Sasquach1 Guest

    I appriciate all of you help, I'm going to buy that cheap mod chip as long as I can get on Xbox live. Does it have a open=retail or something like that so that the chip is only activated when I press the open disk button on the HD?
  6. steimy

    steimy Active member

    Dec 2, 2004
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    i don't think so, no. Some of the more advanced chips may though. Go to and ask in the Xbox forum what your best option is. They install chips and repair systems and are all around great guys. So they may know a few tricks that i don't.
  7. Sasquach1

    Sasquach1 Guest

    So basicly, now that I've found out that my Xbox is worth nothing and will not doing anything. I don't want to just throw it away as a junk pile and buy a new one. I am going to buy a new one, but can't I use the xbox to load Linux and use it as a computer or do something with it? Let me put it this there anything I can do with my Xbox?
  8. Burnasty

    Burnasty Regular member

    Mar 23, 2007
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    First of all, if you get a chip you should be fine. Secondly, I would find out what drive you have and what version it is. Samsung drives go from 35-55 dollers. If you have anything but a 1.6 board you could sell that too. It isn't worthless. Just find out what you have. If you do have a samsung drive I would put that in your new box. If getting a new box is the way you go.
  9. steimy

    steimy Active member

    Dec 2, 2004
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    like i said above, go to and ask them about installing a chip. It really should fix the problem as once you get it back you can just swap out the hard drive in 3 easy steps.
    1. take out old one and put in new one
    2. download and use Slayer 2.7 to format it
    3. Use Slayer 2.7 to install a main dashboard and all the programs you could want.

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