can i use a differant hdd that i got from the store without a mod chip becuase i put a new hdd in modded it with unleash x and it gives me error code 5 so can somebody please help me. i really do not feal like buying a mod chip
Yes and No. The HDD has to be signed to the xbox in order for it to work. The only way to get the HDD signed is either by installing a Modchip and signing it with config magic or doing the Hotswap method. Good Luck
Not entirely true. You dont need a mod chip to upgrade your hard drive if you dont want to, softmod it. The only thing you need it your EEPROM. Follow this tutorial. You get error 5 because the drive is not locked. Just replace the stock hard drive back into the xbox and backup your eeprom onto your pc. Don't hotswap nor unplug anything while the xbox is on. You only hotswap if you don't have a eeprom backup on your pc because the xbox no longer boots a dashboard. You don't need to hotswap its erroneous advice, you are only upgrading.
my stock hard drive does not work any more because some of the ide prongs on the hard drive got broken off
Please hoping, did you backup your eeprom? Before or after a softmod you must backup that important archive. If you didn’t you will need to build an eeprom reader/writer. Click on chuckhead's sig.