I'm new to xbox, I am an expert with ps2, etc. I received enough parts to build an xbox minus the hard drive, I have an extra 60 gig hard drive I can use though. I just need to know what steps I have to take from start to finish to use this other hard drive, I have learned some about the fatx, about dashboards, modchips, and related topics, I also have a dashboard switcher including 5 or 6 dashboards and xecuter 3 code. I just need someone with lots of xbox experience to walk me through the steps I need to take in my unique situation since there's no way I can use the original hard drive, I HAVE to replace the hard drive without a modchip(I do however have an xecuter3 code). I need someone who has extensive knowledge and experience to explain the best way to go about this task, any and all help is greatly appreciated!
Ok, well first of all, dump that Xecuter code, it will do you no good. You need to either softmod your Xbox or put a modchip in it to use that HD. Acually, since you do not have the original HD w/ that Xbox, you will need to mod it. Because the 60GB HD is an unlocked HD, and if you try to turn your Xbox on with it in there you will be getting ERROR 6's all day long. So what you need to do... Buy a mod chip, such as an X3 or Xenium SP.ICE. This will allow you to use that 60GB hard drive w/ out any problems. Need more help, check out this site, http://webpages.charter.net/modchipzone/
that information was very important to me, I thank you kindly for your response! I have a good supplier for all my modchip needs and can install xecuter 3. I'm still wondering about what other tasks I need to do to prepare my 60 gig seagate. Do I need to do any special formatting(fatx?), and/or techniques to set it up? After formatting is there anything else I should do to use the dashboards I've downloaded?
u can use slayers evox auto installer to format and make it work with chip on or off. it also installs apps, xbmc, evox, avalaunch. after doing that and flashing a bios onto ur chip, it should load no problem. if u have any instant messenger i can help u directly. i personally have x3 so thats wut i know all about.
If you get an Xecuter 3 chip, then go to this site to learn how to load the dashboard and flash the chip, http://home.comcast.net/~x3guide/Old/index.html. You will want to use the Evolution X dashboard and newest X3 bios. So after you install the chip, you will need to: 1) flash the chip w/ the X3 bios 2) format the HD, which is done w/in the chips bios (really easy to do) 3) load the EvolutionX dashboard on You should purchase your X3 chip from this site, http://www.psxtune.com That is the cheapest place you will find it at. Thats pretty much an easy overview. And Xstation3, you can post SN's if you want in here...