Xbox Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by pthomas, Sep 22, 2006.

  1. pthomas

    pthomas Member

    Sep 12, 2006
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    O I have a huge problem. I screwed up my xbox trying to soft mod it. Now when I trun it on it wont go to ANY DASHBOARD it just stays at the X and THE XBOX Screen. It only plays games. I need it to read my burned slayers disc so that I can get a MS dashboard. I have a philips drive and a 1.6 version xbox. PLZ HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. 1337moder

    1337moder Guest

    first chill.
    every softmod is entirely reversable!
    first what you need to do is pop in Mechasault, Splinter Cell, etc.
    then click on the second or third option which sould be:
    Remove Softmod
    Choose this, sit back relax, and pop open a coke

    If you want to get to the microsoft dash, but dont want to entirely remove your softmod then click the option first on the list.
    This should be: "Switch softmod on/off"
    This will allow you to view the microsoft dash w/out removing everything!

    Hope this helps!
  3. pthomas

    pthomas Member

    Sep 12, 2006
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    I Didnt Do the soft Mod with the games i used the Hotswap method.
    I need to get a Retail C Drive back on my xbox. I downloaded the slayers disc and extracted the iso using quix now what do I have to do? I have a XBox HDM Disc can I put the files in that disc and if I can what files do I put on the disc
  4. 1337moder

    1337moder Guest

    sry im not familair with the hotswap method....


    wow hotswap for a softmoded dash that was ur first mistake
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 24, 2006
  5. Venom5880

    Venom5880 Regular member

    Aug 14, 2005
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    And this is why you shouldn't use a hot swap to install a soft mod...

    Basically, you can't use that Slayer's disc with your Xbox since you'd need a working soft mod or hard mod to boot it.

    So now, you have a couple choices.

    1. Hot swap again and fix whatever problems you created by either reinstalling the soft mod or MS dash. If you didn't make a back-up of your MS dash, shame on you. You'll have to download it or pull it off the Slayer's disc by extracting the iso using Quix.
    2. Install a mod chip and use either Slayer's or AID to properly install all the files and apps for you.
  6. wasted05

    wasted05 Guest

    "if you didn't make a back-up of your MS dash, shame on you."

    thats funny dude
  7. pthomas

    pthomas Member

    Sep 12, 2006
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    Ok I Kinda need help extracting the iso with quix part. I already extracted the files. I need to know what files I should get out of the extracted iso and where I should put them. I have a XBOX HDM Disc on a DVD RW So I can put more files on to it i think. So i need to know what files i need form the slayers disc, how do I put the on the xbox hdm disc and or something similar to that, and one more thing once I put the files on the disc how do I use the xbox hdm disc to get all the retail hdd files back. Srry i no its a lot but i need help thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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