xbox hq auto installer deleux disc 3.0

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by martin10, Apr 28, 2006.

  1. martin10

    martin10 Guest

    i know this may seem really noobish but how do i install this. I thought that all i had to do was burn all the files that i downloaded onto a disk and stick it into my xbox and it would install. Is this true? If it is how do i have to have my 3 switches positioned on teh front of my xbox and then what do i need to do
  2. shademand

    shademand Regular member

    Apr 28, 2005
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    The entire file should be about 1.54 Gb, you'll need to burn it, to a DVD. However, within its files you will find an image file its about 485Mb you want to burn that to a CD-RW disc, this is the disc that you want to place in your Xbox. I need to know what exactly it is you are attempting to do before I can give you further instructions such as: Do you have a chipped Xbox already or are you attempting to do a softmod?
  3. martin10

    martin10 Guest

    i have a chipped xbox which uses an executer chip at the moment with a switch on the front with 3 pins. 1st one for chip on/off second one for flash on/off and 3rd one for bank 1/2. The dashboard it uses is the origional microsoft one. What i want to do is use it as a dashboard and have all the programs that come with it. The file that i downloaded came to 735 mb and has 26 files called aid30 that are around 29 mb each and aid30.mdf which is 3kb and aid30.sfv which is 2kb
  4. jimmy42

    jimmy42 Regular member

    Jun 30, 2004
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    I think .mdf is for Alcohol 120% check on google for .mdf also read the readme or nfo that came with AID.

    Once you burn the installer to a disc you pop it into your xbox drive and it will boot up. Do make sure you have a bios flashed on your chip.

    BTW it sounds like you have an Xecuter 2.x LITE Chip, what color is your switch? Green, BLUE, RED or Black?

  5. martin10

    martin10 Guest

    oh ive installed it now what i want to know actuaually is there any way that i can upgrade my xbox hard drive by just swapping it with a larger one and placing the autoinstaller disk in my xbox when i first boot it up

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