Xbox-Linux Questions

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by danielb, Apr 19, 2006.

  1. danielb

    danielb Member

    Jan 30, 2005
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    I've been reading through the site and there are a few things on there that are a bit unclear and I have a few questions myself.
    1. The site says if you have a modchip installed, it is as easy as burning the Linux ISO to a DVD-R and running the installation program. Is this correct?
    2. I have an Aladdin Live chip and Evox dash. When I had my chip installed two years ago, the guy said that if I wanted to run Linux on the Xbox, I would be better off with the Xecuter chip, which was an extra $100(Australian). I wasn't planning on installing Linux at the time so I just got the Aladdin Live which was only $66. Are known problems with the Aladdin Live chip and Linux?
    3. My Xbox is version 1.6, which the Xbox-Linux says causes problems with Linux when installing using the hardware or software method, however it says nothing about 1.6 Xboxes with a modchip. Will this be a problem?
  2. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    You shouldn't really have any problems apart from with Xebian..that likes the .xbe file on the root of E:\ and the knoppix and minirt files on the root of F:\

    Xdsl has some issues with the Focus graphics chip but I haven't had any problems

    GentooX..take care ..if you do the native install it takes all of the F:\ drive and you lose anything already on there..

    I don't think having a chip of whatever type makes any difference, they all do the same thing..allow the xbox to run unsigned code..The guy in the shop was sort of right but has some wires crossed about what a modchip actually does....I install XDSL on softmods and there isn't a problem..

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