After uploading a backed-up game onto my box, I rebooted and only the xbox live startup screen is present. I can't load a CD or do anything. I have an mod chip installed (cheapmod?) and was wondering if there was a way to bypass my HD or whatever to run a CD that could reload my bios or whatever I would need to get my XBox running again. I'd hate to buy a new one, and I want to play Halo very badly. Please help!!
sounds as if ya microsoft dash is nackerd, a new microsoft dashboard 2.make a evox boot disc 3.ftp the new dash over that will solve ya prob, pm me if ya need more help
hi guys, i have the same problem. but worst is, im a newbie to xbox use and even dont know how to ftp my xbox. could anyone teach me step by step accessing my xbox's hd through ftp. btw i am just using 56k modem.. it sucks
An evoX boot disk is always a big help. The xbox looks at the dvd drive first for a .xbe (as in a game or now a dash) to load first, if not found, then it will go to the stock MS dash.
Hey box mods, with your mod chip can you go on xbl when your chip is off? And how different is it from the pro?
Ya, I can go on XBL when my chip is off. Here's a big problem: Remember to LOCK your Hard Drive, The MS Dash will not work if you chip is off and you hard drive is still unlocked. The Xecuter 2.3b Lite chip is so easy to use, and 3 built in switches for you in the front of your box.