I have a xecuter mod chip and a 120gb hd in my xbox. I want to be able to play xbl with the original halo 2 disc. I haven't had an xbl account before. But first do i turn off the mod chip to disabled.How do i block my hd from ms.
Just disable the chip, and you should be fine. As I recall, they don't check the size of your hard drive, so you shouldn't have to block it or anything. As long as your Xbox still boots to the MS dash when the chip is disabled, you shouldn't have any problems.
They check the hdd serial number. Have you changed the drive since the xbox eeprom and hdd serial went into the MS database? (when you first logged into that account?) Came back because i'm awake now.. has the xbox ever been used on live before? That's what you need to work out. If it has and then it's had the drive changed it will get banned.
I havent had a account yet. Just trying to figure the best way not to get banned before i get an account.
Heres how you do it.. You put all your dashboards etc on F:\..the C:\ and E:\ drives must be stock software..then just be sure to boot with the chip totally disabled... Actually..why bother paying ripoff MS for the pleasure of playing against a load of children? Try Kai-xlink or xboxconnect instead..then you don't have to bother and you can get into playing modded maps and things...Plus it's FREE!!
Xlink kai for sure, it OWNZ http://www.teamxlink.co.uk , im halo2master1150 on kai. just dont screw aroudnw ith live, but i migth use a 2 month free trial just to get banned and get the awesome default symbols behind my halo 2 name