Xbox Mod Help

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by kertesz, Feb 7, 2005.

  1. kertesz

    kertesz Guest

    Ok i have been searching the net and found some what seems to be cool chip. But im not too computer smart and i was wondering if you guys out there can help me out. PLEASE talk in simple english and explane things like Flash your chip and all that stuff :S:S:S

    First thing first:
    I just want a chip that i can play burned games with i also want to be able to go on xbox Live. I am planning to get my games off Bittorent and burn them onto cd(will this be hard to do?). I guess im looking for a basic chip.
    what chips would fit my description?

    What other chips can i get and what will they do? would more advances chips be worth the money...( i have a 18 gig Hd kicking around is this any good?)and would i guy like me have any chance figuring out how to work them? My dad is good with computers so i would have no problem with the soildering....

  2. mdsup

    mdsup Guest

    they all pretty much do the same things...some are more advanced than others...they have the ability for users to do more things...they all will allow you to play backups, and ftp, and all the stuff you are looking basically boils down to if you want the added features or not.....xenium ice and xecuter3 are the best 2 on the market right now.
  3. kertesz

    kertesz Guest

    ok so if i get the Xenium Ice Solderless Kit...and put it into my X box.... what do i do after that...? when i turn on the system what will come up?

    Like can i put windows on my xbox???
  4. mdsup

    mdsup Guest

    after you get the chip installed you will have to flash the chip with a hacked bios...the type of bios depends on what version xbox you have...after this you will need to install a dashboard(evox,avalaunch,ect...) when you get the chip in the xbox will boot to the legal cromwall you can't put windows on your xbox, but you can run Linux.

    if you have a version 1.6 i don't think you can get the xenium solderless...i may be wrong though
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 7, 2005
  5. kertesz

    kertesz Guest

    i have xbox do you know if i can get solderless... where do i get all these programs you are talking about?!... and do you have msn maybe we could chat about this a bit more thank alot for you help...if you dont have msn...lets please talk more about this...
  6. kertesz

    kertesz Guest

    as i said b4 i dont understand all the terms your using... if i install Linux....that is pretty much the same as windows right.. so would i have like a desktop? and woul dmy 18 gig hard drive have any use in the mod
  7. mdsup

    mdsup Guest

    i do have msn messenger, but i can't sign in right now i think the service might be down...can you sign in?
  8. kertesz

    kertesz Guest

    no the server is down... hey what about msn online does that work let me try it now..thanks again man your a really good guy
  9. kertesz

    kertesz Guest

    web messenger seems to be down too
  10. kertesz

    kertesz Guest

    Do you live in canada?
  11. mdsup

    mdsup Guest

    you got aim?
  12. kertesz

    kertesz Guest

    i only have msn
    look this is my e mail address/my msn
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 7, 2005
  13. mdsup

    mdsup Guest

    you should delete you email addy it is against forum rules
  14. kertesz

    kertesz Guest

    how do you delete it?
  15. kertesz

    kertesz Guest

    well did you get it... i deleted it
  16. mdsup

    mdsup Guest

    edit your post...on the far right by the date there is a little icon, click it and you can edit your post

    yeah i have it
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 7, 2005
  17. kertesz

    kertesz Guest

    Do you have a moded xbox?... how did you mod it? you know what model xbox crystals are?
  18. kertesz

    kertesz Guest

    MSN messenger is back online
  19. mdsup

    mdsup Guest

    yeah, i added you

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