Hi There, I just got an xbox mod chip of the net and the mod chip is an XBIT. I recived everything BUT the flash chip even the USB cables. How would any of you deal with this situation. IF possible could you tell me a way to buy just the flash or what? Thanks
If it was suppose to come with it then i would just call the people that you broght it from and tell them Bravo568 http://www.h4x0rclan.com/forums/index.php?act=idx
Also I was wondering... I was wondering, I want to back up my xbox and I also want to play xbox games from foreign countries, do I absulutly need external part of the mod chip to play xbox games from foreign countries or do I just need the internal chip, I so how would I launch xbox games from foreign countries without the external chip. Thanks.
There is nothing called a "flash chip". Are you saying you only have the part with the dipswitches and nothing else? The term "flashing" refers to sending a bios to your chip to activate it for use. If you did't get the actual modchip, you'd better try and contact them ASAP. If you wait too long, they'll just say you lost it and won't send a new one.
Here is the site which I bought it from, the chip which I have is the bigger chip the smaller chip in the picture is the one I need. (I think Flash Chip) http://www.divineo.com/cgi-bin/div-us/xb-xbit.html So do you think I can play games from foreign countries by just hooking up the bigger chip and not the smaller as it was not recieved. If so if you could be so nice as to tell me how. Thanks.
You need the smaller chip to flash the bios to the bigger chip. The smaller chip has the dipswitches that control what bank the bios gets flashed to. Without the smaller chip your modchip is useless. I only play NTSC games so I can't offer advice on different formats.
So as you know I have a XBIT xbox mod chip. So if I get the other chip which you said without that the whole set is usless then would you know how I get that chip to work so I could flash bios? Thanks
All the instalation instructions are here from the X-B.I.T. homepage. http://www.dms3.com/cgi-bin/xbit/site.pl?page=home Don't flash with the XP operating system, it will freeze on you. Find someone with Win98se
Do you know... Everything works on my mod chip besides the capablity of playing games which were produced around the world. Would you know how to enable it?
I was just am wondering I installed the chip but when ever I get conection from the xbit to the computer, my computer, (using the flash software) sometimes freezes up and also when it does not the xbit external chip has a light on and when that happens everything works, but I am still trying to figure out how to back up my xbox games and play those games. If any you could please tell me a solution to this problem, and direct me on how to back up/play my xbox games. I have tried going to sites but for some odd reason the web sites would not help me. Please reply ASAP Thanks