I wanting to be able to play copied games and also copy xbox games. I have been backing up DVDs now for a while but I understand that copying games is more involved. I have read that I need to have a "modded" xbox. What exactly does this involve? If there is another thread on the subject a link would be fine. Thanks!
first you need a softmodded xbox, there are tutorials here so i not going to explain, then once you have the softmodded xbox, you should put in a non-stock larger harddrive, tutorials also, not going to explain, then you need the application DVD2XBOX get it here= http://www.megaupload.com/?d=DW7QGC2Y PAN5Y and cearel's link then FTP to your xbox and under the E:/ drive make a folder called apps and stick the file in there (un-zipped)
Action Replay-allows you to get game data and game saves from the internet and apply them to your xbox. you can get it at any local gaming store, probably Wal-mart ar Target
Ya, the Xecuter 3 CE modchip is around $80 for it. That is what I got and it works really well. The difference between Softmod and Hardmod, is that if you screw something up on your softmodded xbox, you have to start completely over. But with a Hardmodded xbox, you can find the problem and fix it. You can check out Divineo. This is where I got my modchip for my xbox, and this is a list of other chips that they have for the xbox. There is a solderless one that you can get for $20, so ya. I did hardmod, and have DVD2Xbox, and it works really well. I would recommend going with a Hardmod, but if you don't want to spend that kind of money, then you could go with a Softmod (even though, when you buy all of the parts, it will still ring you up to around $50 for it all).
Indepth Instuction for what? Installing one of the chips at Divineo? If you consider buying a chip, come back here, and we can help you find tutorials etc. You can also just Google it (i.g. "Name of your Chip Here" installation). It shouldn't be that hard to find an installation diagram for the chip.