I have an xbox. The hard drive is fried and i didnt have the eeprom or the unlock key in it. The xbox is version 1. Can I get a replacement motherboard and hard drive somewhere and swap them out. Does the version of the motherboard and the hard drive have to be the same? Is there a good place to buy this combo at? Any help is greatly appreciated.
Crazy talk! Replace the one that is broken with any PC drive! To get the eeprom you'll need either a modchip or an eeprom reader! Either will cost much less then to swap both!
well if I'm not mistaken cant you get a combo of both for like 60 bucks. And I hate modchips they always screw up stuff. I have heard so many storys about modchips screwing up systems. Plus if i softmod it myself ill be able to fix it right if somthing goes wrong
Sorry for the double post but is there any where where you can get a v1.0 version of the motherboard and hard drive. If i cant find one i found an eeprom reader i just need help using it. http://www.xboxrepairguide.com/eeprom-reader-writer-p-103.html is that a good eeprom reader. Thanks for the help once again guys.