I just swapped a 1.6 MB & PS into a painted case & blew the MB. I tried replacing the 2t transistor with a 2A but that didnt work. I checked the PS to be working, but I was told the SMI chip blew. **You must make sure you place metal contacts on the 2 posts you trim or you will cause a short! or try swapping the metal sheilding too. The blue boxed post should also be trimmed & the metal flattened. http://pages.hosting.domaindirect.com/paintedxbox.com/pics/short.jpg
Swapping a mobo with a different version power supply is suicide... completely different power scheme plus the hard drive problem youre goingf to run into...the formatting of the hard drives are different in each version of xbox just like the mobos......the way that the files are arranged will screw you up....unlocked or not....thus the reason you cant just take your HD from a 1.1 to a 1.4 even if both are modded.... if you have any questions PM me.....sorry about your luck with the blown mobo
that is incorrect. you can unlock 2 different version hard drives & swap them, but you would need both xboxs modded to unlock the drives. I had a 200GB in my 1.0 & put that in a 1.2. I couldnt find my original 7gb, but used a 10gb from a 1.6. There is only one hard drive format XDFS! Also you can not even plug in the wrong version power supply, it wont fit
so did the 1.6 motherboard blow because you did not put the right power supply? or because you did not replace the 2 sheilding? do you have to replace the 2t to 2a? i ask because i want to put a 1.6 mb into my halo se box thank you