Xbox not reading anything.....

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by thegster, Jan 15, 2008.

  1. thegster

    thegster Member

    Jan 15, 2008
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    Help.. Xbox won't read anything in drive. Basically, if I switch off and switch on, I get the splash screen (green lights flashing on front) then it goes to the system info (skin) screen (screen with launch DVD etc)

    Clicking on launch DVD does nothing. Opening and closing the drive just makes the green lights on the front flash. I can hear drive activity but screen doesn't change to 'loading'

    If I use the CD player, keeps telling me that the disc is dirty or damaged on every CD I put in it.

    Got a feeling it's the laser as it's been playing up for a few weeks.

    Anyway, it's got a Samsung SDG-605F drive in it. What I want to know is where can I get a replacement laser from? I live in the UK.

    Have had a look on ebay but they only seem to sell them for the 605B and I've read on the internet that they are different (605F has a single pot whereas the 605B has two - or something like that) Can anyone confirm whether or not a 605B laser will fit in a 605F drive?

  2. thegster

    thegster Member

    Jan 15, 2008
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    Just a bit more information....

    Have just changed the xbox skin to the default one (which shows tray in the top right of the screen)

    When I open the tray, it shows "open" as it should. When I close the tray, it shows "closing" which again is normal. It then shows "EMPTY" even though there is a disc present. Tried every disc in there (CDR/Original CD/DVD-R/Original DVD) and it still says the same. Seems like it's not recognising that I've put a disc in. Would this be the laser or is there some sort of sensor inside?

  3. jacoba30

    jacoba30 Guest

    having the same problem, put in burnt disc says empty, load from regular xbox dash even actual xbox games, tray still shows empty...I'm thinking I need a new tray...possible that could be your prob too...I have the regular tray that came with mine Thompson I think...going to buy a new tray and see if prob persists.

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