Xbox Pin Header

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by insaneiam, Nov 29, 2004.

  1. insaneiam

    insaneiam Member

    Oct 17, 2004
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    I bought an Xcuter 3 mod chip, and let's just say the install didn't go so well. (version 1.6b Xbox, btw)

    Anywho ... now I have my pin header mostly soldered on the motherboard. I can't seem to get it off. I managed to get a few of the pins freed, but the majority are still soldered.

    Anywho, anyone know where I can but JUST the pin header for cheap? Anyone got an extra sitting around that they could ship me, perhaps?

    Also, anyone know when the v1.6 Xcut3r solderless adaptor will be available??? I don't need any more 'mishaps'!!!! :cool:

    Thanks in advance!
  2. smiff6969

    smiff6969 Member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    I work in electronics mate and pin strip headers or as common as water my friend. get a is it a male or female pin strip header describe what it looks like and i'll tell you which peice of electronics item you can pull one out of.

    Nearly all pc cards have pinstrip on of one type or another. I have several dif types knocking around at work.

    Can you get a pick of it!.
  3. insaneiam

    insaneiam Member

    Oct 17, 2004
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    thanks for the reply. here's a pic of the pin header, borrowed from the Xcuter 3 install tutorial:


    I contacted the folks at by phone, and the sales guy said he can put a note with my order, but cannot guarentee that it will get added. So, I'm looking for a backup solution. I do still have the black part and a few of the pins, but some pins are missing, so I will need to either get the pins, or the whole thing.

    Oh, I'm planning to buy the solderless Xapt3r (for the Xcuter 3 chip, for v1.0-v1.5 Xboxes) since I got my hands on a v1.2/3 Xbox now. Do you know if I even need the pin header for the solderless adaptor? I can't tell 100% for sure with the pics of it I've seen.

    Thanks much!
  4. smiff6969

    smiff6969 Member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    Where you from mate are you uk?. let me know if you are i'll mail you some. it's standard stuff ive got loads of the stuff.

    If you not uk you can find it in just about anything. A good place to start is any electronic item relating to pc's. I mean things like pci cards, old motherboards, modems and just about anything like tv's old hi fi's etc.

    Even if its a different colour it will not matter as long as the distance between each pin is the same (pitch of 2.54mm very standard)

    if this guy try's to charge you more than about 5pence uk sterling your being ripped off. we can by single or double row like yours in packs of hundred for about £3 - £5

    let me know dude where you live if you don't find any and i'll give you my email
  5. smiff6969

    smiff6969 Member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    by the way if you find a bit thats too long a your can snap them down to size. We only by long lengths at work then snap them down to fit
  6. electwire

    electwire Member

    Oct 22, 2004
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    why do u want the pinheader out im a electronic tech if you dont need to take out the pin header than dont the xbot board is cheep the throught holes are not very stong wont take too much heat
  7. insaneiam

    insaneiam Member

    Oct 17, 2004
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    I'm US, but thanks smiff! I will hopefully get one when I place my order (they still don't have the solderless adaptor in stock!).

    electwire, I put my pin header into an xbox and my solder job was not too good. :cool: well, i ended up getting a different xbox, and couldn't get the pin header out (the solder wouldn't melt!). So, now I have no pin header. he he he

    I'm still not sure if I need it with the solderless adaptor anyway, but want it just in case. I will look around at some stuff to see if I can find out. Thanks for the tip. Like I said, I actually have the black part, but don't have all of the pins since they were left soldered into the old xbox board. Maybe I'll find some pins. :cool:

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