Xbox screen not appearing?

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by AraujoL, Sep 30, 2006.

  1. AraujoL

    AraujoL Guest

    Hi, im new to the whole xbox modding. I dont know much but I got my Xbox modded about 2 years ago and it has a chip in it at the moment. It was the newest on the market and my Xbox was not working awhile ago, so i let it sit there. I thought the problem was the chord but I think I may be wrong because i borrowed a friends and it still doesn't work. The Xbox turns on, I can hear the disk being scanned and so forth but nothing is going onto the screen. I don't want to break my xbox so I'm posting here for help if possible. I have no knowledge about Xbox's so if you can please explain in very simple terms

  2. Venom5880

    Venom5880 Regular member

    Aug 14, 2005
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    Does the light on the front light up like normal or does it flash?

    When did it stop working? Shortly after the chipped was installed? Did you do anything to it before it stopped working such as mess with settings or hard drive files? Any idea what chip it is?
  3. AraujoL

    AraujoL Guest

    No, I didn't mess with the settings at all. It stopped workin awhile after i got the chip. The light flashes then goes solid I think? I am able to hear it booting up and all but nothing is coming on the screen. I can't remember what kind of chip it is, it's been awhile.
  4. Venom5880

    Venom5880 Regular member

    Aug 14, 2005
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    So you get audio, but no video? Is the A/V port damaged on the back?

    If you can't find any external damage, you may want to just go ahead and open the Xbox casing. Whoever installed your chip might have done a poor job and now it's causing problems.

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