I am having some problems with my xbox and have tried everything to fix it. My XBOX has an xecuter lite 2.3b mod chip in it. Worked fine for years. I tried to flash the bios and screwed it up. I do not have a programmer. I removed the chip and turned off the mod so that I could at least boot into the normal MS DASH with no luck. Hotswapped, followed tutorial to a tee, put the necessary files on partition 3 and 4 still same problem. Error 21! If I have mechassault in the drive the game works, but I cannot run the softmod exploit. It just reboots when I click on run linux. If there is no game in the drive all I get is error 21. If I put Halo 2 in the screen just freezes. I have aLso tried the mhackxbox.rar and Shademand softmod files, NO LUCK! Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated! THANKS in Advance!
will it boot like a slayers disc or any other autoinstaller? if so try AID3.0, it works alright, but you may end up with error 21 again but its worth trying to see...