I found out that I could softmod my xbox using one of the original games (007 auf, splinter cell or mechassault). So of course i went out bought one of the games and I bought the action replay to transfer the saved game hack to my xbox. I did it and it worked. Then I started messing around with the dashboard which was changed and installed evox then installed unleasehed... My xbox doesn't work anymore... I took the hard drive out and tried using some tools i downloaded to fix it(I don't even know if it's the hard drive that is broke or the xbox) but my hard drive is locked and won't unlock... by the way, my xbox is a v1.2 (don't know if that helps) .. so anyway I get an error code 21 most of the time and sometiems I get a 07 error code.... does anyone know what choices I have.. If i can even by a new hard drive and use it? did I fry my xbox? .. I am in desperate need of some help or some pointers... please help...
ok...i softmodded my xbox for 1 reason...to mod on halo 2...i installed everything and ftped and all that junk and i went on live on an account on the harddrive...i went into a couple custom games and NO matchmaking games and the mods worked...i tryed logging on the same account and it didnt work (i guess i got banned)...then i borrowed my friends memory card/action replay card thing which he had a live account on and tryed to log onto live...i couldnt!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! did bungie/microsoft ban my account or my xbox's IP address??? is there no other way to get on live with that xbox? also if bungie or microsoft banns IP addresses, then why do softmodded kids on live ask for 2months???? do they softmod 1 xbox and use it for 6 hours then throw it away then get another xbox, softmod it throw it away etc. ??
They are not banning your IP address they are banning the hardware serial numbers from your Xbox the MAC address, so it does not matter which IP address you attempt to get online from your Xbox will always be banned, theoretically you could switch out the hardware but what would be the point? Just use an unbanned Xbox.