Hey all! Last July I softmodded my Xbox with the (not obsolete) UXE hotswapping mod. Everything works fine, and everything is installed fine, however I just recently started looking back into these sortof things, and now noticed there are ways to play Live even with a softmod. Well, what I would like to know is what I can do to get to this point, short of hotswapping the HDDs again and going through a complete restore. Since I have FTP access to everything on the box, is it possible to FTP the appropriate files onto the drive, and then run an all inclusive installer? Sorry I really have no idea where to go from here, and any help would be appreciated. Once again, I have EvoX installed fine, and have complete FTP access, but I am wondering now how I can get back to the point where I can run Live (on legit games) if i want, while also being able to do softmod things. Thanks a lot! Ken