XBox Softmodding Questions

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by j9990, Jul 20, 2006.

  1. j9990

    j9990 Guest

    I've got an XBox and I want to softmod it - in other words, I don't want to open the XBox or do any soldering at all. My question is this...

    To install a softmod, all I need is:

    [bold]1) My laptop
    2) A standard blue (Ethernet) cable
    3) An Action Replay
    4) The XBox (duh)[/bold]

    And upon installing the softmod, I want to be able to:

    [bold]1) Backup my games
    2) Burn my backuped games and play them and save like normal (of course I've got a DVD burner and blank DVD's and CD's)
    3) Be able to play on XBox Live without any bans on original copies of games
    4) Be able to play on XBox Live without any bans on backup copies of games (not sure if this is possible)
    5) The ability to install Linux
    6) The ability to revert back to the standard XBox dash/BIOS/etc.[/bold]

    Can someone fill me in how much of this stuff can or can't be done with simply my laptop, cable, A/R, and XBox? I'm going out of town and have to practically live in a hotel for several days and I don't feel like bringing all my games and losing them or letting them get stolen or scratched up.

    Thanks for reading and hopefully for answering!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 20, 2006
  2. DarkTekno

    DarkTekno Regular member

    Nov 13, 2005
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    Install: those - ethernet + S.C./M.A./007 + linux game saves. then you'll be able to softmod.

    You will be able to:
    1, 2, and 3 (as long as you remove the softmod when you play on live because they can detect the software hacks.), and I am not sure about 4 and 5.
  3. theridges

    theridges Guest

    you can play onlive as long as you pick the open retail when you softmod i have it on both of my xbox's.....

    first off you dont want a simple blue ethernet cable,you will need a cat5 crossover cable (there usually yellow).....
    other than that read here on how to softmod and get on Live *note*you have to have an account already created on the xbox to get on live....
    make sure when you softmod you pick the open=retail knaves edition

    you will need Qwix to copy and burn games from the xbox pm me for that..
    you will also need FlashFXP to ftp to the Xbox pm me for that aswell..

    since your connecting the xbox directly into you laptop you will need to create a network on your laptop
    start-control panel-network internet connectings-create home network
    and then turn on ICS here is a tutorial for that....

    comeback if you need anymore help...
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 20, 2006
  4. SlimHiggy

    SlimHiggy Guest

    So is it possible to flash the BIOS on a softmodded xbox?
  5. theridges

    theridges Guest

    yea but i wouldnt suggest it.....becuz i dont believe it will work.
  6. SlimHiggy

    SlimHiggy Guest

    So is it possible to brick your xbox by trying it?
  7. Venom5880

    Venom5880 Regular member

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    Of course it is. Which is why you shouldn't bother flashing it when softmods work just fine.
  8. penner13

    penner13 Guest

    can i download xbox 360 games to dvd and play on my softmodded origonal xbox?
  9. Venom5880

    Venom5880 Regular member

    Aug 14, 2005
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