xbox troubleshooting need help

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by bigmike85, Jul 4, 2007.

  1. bigmike85

    bigmike85 Guest

    ihave a major problem i have an error screen on my xbox sayi needs service repair it has no number in the corner and im tryin to use the xboxhdm program to redue the hd and the hd is locked and im going through the steps to unlock it but when it says done and i go check its still locked i even use the atapwd.exe file to see if that would work same thing i also went and unplug the ise cable on boot up and waited till the screen loaded then plugged it back in and went to option 3 and it tells me no device found can someone help me please i am so stuck
  2. bigmike85

    bigmike85 Guest

    im startin to beleive the bios is fried is this true if so what can be done besides buyin a modchip and byppassin the bios i found a site that tellsme how to do that

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