I just bought a xbox and found out that it is a version 1.6. At this point i am no longer sure what mod chip or bios will work with my xbox. Are there n e suggestions. I wanted to the Xenium chip with the xecuter 4981 bios. Will that work with my xbox????
There are currently no BIOS that can handle the new 1.6 box, Team SmartXX are working very fast on it though.
Apparently all the modchip makers have figured out how to get their chips working on the v1.6. They are all working on an easy solution for us. They got theirs working by soldiering wires at certain places but there is no BIOS yet that supports the v1.6 because MS had changed the video chip they were using.
Xenium ICE is being released and according to the company, it is v1.6 compatible. I assume their original Xenium modchip will be altrated to be compatible too.
Any LPC-bsaed modchip will work with v1.6. You need to do some soldering on the motherboard to recover the required LPC signals.
and the bios is out... check out "evolutionx.info" to read about the new M8 bios and then go to the usual places to get it