I have a version 1.0 Xbox modded with an Xecuter 3 modchip. I used the Xapt3r solderless adapter. Here is my problem: when I boot up my Xbox, it turns on then turns off, turns on then turns off, then it turns on and stays on flashing red and green lights. I took off my modchip and then I didn't get the error, but when I put my modchip back on, I got the error. What can I do to fix this? Thanks.
You basically have the same setup as me! I have the Xecuter 3 CE (solderless) in a v1.6 Xbox, with a 200GB Maxtor HDD! I've gotten this problem many times, and what you need to do, is make sure that all of the pins on the Xapt3r are connected correctly! I had to redo all of the pins, and I broke one of them (so be careful!), though, I just Put some Hot Glue on it, and it fixed the problem! So make sure that your pins are all connected! Try that, and get back to me!
I have played around with my Xbox a little and have confirmed that my Xapt3er is definitely the problem. It does not stay on good enough. One end of it is more elevated that the other end and does not sit on the lpc ports good enough. Would hot gluing the side that sticks up (gluing it to the motherboard) work? If not, any suggestions that would work? Thanks.
it should, just make sure you dont get any glue between the adapter and the lpc thing and you should be fine