I tried to put the Xanium sp ice in my x box but i gave up so i put every thing back up tried to turn on my x box and it flashed red and green and an error poped up i turned it off then i tried to turn it back on but it dident work
Did you pull your chip completely out (adapter and all), and also did you put your original HD back in? What went wrong with you Xenium chip, I use them all the time with no troules??
yes i took the chip and the adapter out comepleatly and i ut my original harddrive back in.i put the chip in but my x box screwed up when i took it out it turned to normal.i tried to do it the next day but my x box flashed red and green and it suddenly turned off
whats the number in the top right corner, and i find it hard for you not to be able to install the modchip unless it is a 1.6 version.
oh, check the d0 point in the xbox, make sure it is in the right spot, you can check the right one at Teamxodus.com
look i just want to fix my x box really bad and if someone could help me i would greatly appreciate it. what im tring to say here is that i am desprate Please help me!!!!!