xbox1 help? dont know what mod i have

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by sand11, Oct 23, 2008.

  1. sand11

    sand11 Member

    Jun 12, 2013
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    i have bought a xbox1 and it plays back ups

    it has a normal dash

    i dont know what kind of mod could it be? if someone could help me ?how could i find out

    and can i put xmbc on it via dvd?
  2. scorpNZ

    scorpNZ Active member

    Mar 23, 2005
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    Can't comment on a softmod however a hard mod leaves signs,on the underside of the box there are 6 screws,4 under the outer part of the rubber feet the other two are under the stickers,it's necessary to break the seal of the feet on their outer edge as well as the stickers being stabbed to expose the other two screws,if no signs of this being done then it's more than likley a softmod,even if the feet are re-glued the stickers will not be able to be repaired,if there are signs it will be necessary to pull the box apart to find out what chip it has,unless it's listed in the dash settings,even tho i did'nt install my chips they did come with a installation disk & that installs it's own software which has been by passed when xbmc was installed & that says what chips i have
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2008
  3. varnull

    varnull Guest

    Beware.. this could be a tsop flashed box... Don't do anything with it at all in the way of adding a different dash until you are 100 and 10% sure how it has been modified.
  4. sand11

    sand11 Member

    Jun 12, 2013
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    thank you for your help and advice.
    i did look under the box and there was signs of it being opened.
    so i assumed i must have a chip inside it and took a risk,
    i got hold of a boot disk which installs all sorts of software.
    run that disk and "hey presto" got options for a number of different dashboards
    and a host of other things too. all i need to do now is have a look through all the various applications for the name of the chip out of curiosity.

  5. scorpNZ

    scorpNZ Active member

    Mar 23, 2005
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    I'm not sure whether it's the chips install disk that lets XBMC know what chip is installed or whether XBMC can detect it automatically,one more point i neglected to say in my first post,the screws could be undone because a repair may have been done & not necessarily a chip install

    If you decide to pull the xbox apart be gentle,nothing needs to be forced especially putting things back togeather,all the parts should refit relatively easily,if they don't then there's alignment issues,also any screws you need to put back do not over tighten them more so the ones that go into plastic,those should be finger tight,in other words grab the steel shank of the screw driver not the screw driver head to do them up,however make sure all screws are partly threaded in before doing them backup,there maybe the odd light tap to get the two outer covers reseated but no forced trauma should be

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