I recently purchased the above chip and installed it. After reassembling my console and enabling the chip, I got the 'Christmas tree' effect. The LED on the external switch never came on, either. Eventually, I sent the chip, ext. switch and ext. switch cable to be tested. As it turns out, the external switch was bad and they sent me new parts. Unfortunately, the new parts haven't solved the problem. I'm still getting the same results. The chip retailer is offering a refund but I thought I'd check here before I go that route. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
did you install it correctly? goto teamxecuter for tutor how to install. Or goto my page, just follow the link in my sig. I have tutor there.
I'm very sure I installed it correctly. All of my solder points look good and their location is accurate. The teamxecuter tutorial is what I used for the install.
if you install it right, turn on xbox. You will see "Flash bios 3.0.3" on TV. Otherwise, the chip may have problem.
I got a new 2.6 chip sent to me by the retailer. Unfortunately, the Xbox is still fragging when the chip is enabled. Disabled, the Xbox works fine. At this point I think I have a motherboard problem near the LPC even though everything looks clean. Maybe I have a broken trace. I don't know what to do anymore except give up. I've tried 3 chips up to this point and can't even get to the Flash BIOS screen. Any last suggestions before I call it quits?
I'm pretty sure it's the right one. According to the troubleshooting section of my manual, the Xbox would boot normally whether the chip is enabled or disabled if the d0 was improperly installed. Mine only frags when the chip is enabled. Are you familar with checking the LPC with a multimeter?
I used a multimeter on the pinheader pins and they all read zero except pin #1. That doesn't seem to be right but I don't know what to do to fix it.
ok...i think i have the same problem from above...i installed my chip was very easy(xecuter2) and i get the blue screen which mean i did it right then says flashBios 3.0.3...all that S*** sorry i 've been dealing with this for days...I thougt i was gonna have a dashboard you know Evox,unleashx or whatever when i bought the chip but no i have to find it...Man i've been almost in every site can't get it yet. I'm new in this so please anyone out there HELP
I solved my problem by removing the pinheader and doing a "wire installation". I was able to access the FlashBIOS v3.0.3 screen and flash the BIOS via disc. It seemed to work successfully - i.e no errors and the Xbox automatically shut down. But when I powered it back up with the chip enabled, I was still getting the "FlashBIOS" screen. Am I doing something wrong? Also, the only LED that illuminates on the external switch is the "chip enable" one. Should there be more than one light on?
Ok both of you need to flash bios. You have to know your xbox version in order to flash the right bios. Otherwise it won't work on your xbox. Make sure modchip is Enable and Unprotect. http://www.teamxecuter.com/flashbios/?CMSSESSID=0475597421ee7145739326bb1745f787
Mine works now. It was just a matter of getting the switches in the correct position. Thanks for all of your help.
Well my friend after days of trying...nothing happen so i give up thank you to all of you for your time.If anyone wants this piece of S*** let me know(xecuter 2) THE RETURN you're great seen your others tutorials and always work i just can't take it anymore...
sutran: dont give up, you just need to get the proper bios for your xbox version. Check out the tutorial at: http://www.xbox-scene.com/articles/xbins.php That should help you out a bit. The best thing to do is flash your chip via http'd through your network, if for whatever reason you cannot do that then just burn the bios.bin to a DVD-R or CD-RW (some cd-rw's work but not all, as the xbox dvd drives are very picky) You've installed your chip correctly if you are seeing the Flashbios screen, you've gotten alot further then most have so dont give up now man!! If you dont want to go through the hassle of burning a bios to a DVDR you can get the Xecuter2.6 LITE PROGRAMMER for $14.50 here: http://www.xbox-modchips.com/x2programmer.htm If you have anymore questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
ive been softmodding for awile but i wanted to upgrade. i got an xecuter 2.6 and i installed it on a 1.6 box. I did the rebuild. and now wen i turn it on with the chip enabled, no matter wat bank, and flash protection on/off.... it turns on, the blue led turns on, on the chip, and the green light turns on, on the external switch and you here the box boot then it turns itself off. It reboots itself then turns off, and the third time it reboots itself it turns on and the open disc tray light flashes green and red. If i disable the chip my xbox works perfectly. Do you no wat might be going rong? wat bank shud i actually be on? Flash protection on or off? Is my rebuild bad? thx alot, lou
Sounds like a bad D0 or solder points on the rebuild... recheck your soldering.. Most likely the D0 is causing this make sure you got the right point soldered: http://www.xbox-modchips.com/tutorials/xecuter-installation-pics/v1.6_rebuild1.jpg Worst case scenerio there are sites that offer mod installation repairs google 'mod installation repair' But I am sure with a little tweaking to your soldering job and it should be working fine, just make sure to not burn / lift any traces when your checking over your initial solder job.