I put in a xecuter 2 modchip in my xbox & I flashed the bios when i first put it in & after that i I was messing around with the BIOS & I flashed the wrong BIOS & now my xbox will turn on & off 3 times & will not show a picture on the TV.
chip is lost more than likely just take it off and if your ballsy you can do a tsop flash but that is risking the console but i did it and had no problems, you get all the benefits of a mod chip without having one
the Xecuter 2 is/can be flashed with a programmer to the correct BIOS and problem soled, why would the chip be lost? kc
you don't install it per se, you buy it and it plugs between your PC and the chip to program the chip. kc
my chip is a x-ecuter 2 multi Bios X-killer and the same thing happened it did not finish flashing and i turned the xbox off and now it turns on and off like three times and wount work how can i fix it and where can i get one of these programmers???
Ok here it is Yes This is a problem i have: So to the point Ok i have a xecutor 2.6 CE with Switch i dont know what bios it has all i know is that i loads enything with evox.xbe in C: drive so bare with me ok my problem: I cant shut off modchip without rebooting three time and on the thurdboot it gives me a error eject led crismas led thing but no display of a error just a black nothing i think green and red maybe oreange in replacement of orenge. what Im trying to do is load my ms dash without the modchip being Enabled so i can go in live the thing is i formated my e drive and yes i got my eeprom but i got it with config magic and after i formated tyhe E so my ? is is there Enything is E: drive i need in there for me to load ms dash and also when i switch it back to modded dash it works but when i switch if off it wont load ms dash fare as i know i use slayers disk 2.7 loaded up unleashX as dash and formated E: drive thats all fare as i know so if you could halp me do so because i want to play live
the fix is to flash a complete BIOS to the chip, and DON'T turn it off, it'll turn its self off when flashing is complete........you can get the programmer from the same places you get the chips. i assume here you meant that When you turn the chip off, this is when you get the error and it works fine with chip on?? kc
yes but the thing is when i turn it off or desable the chip it dont go to the M$ Dash like it's sapos to i used the spliter cell exploit to get it soft modded then when i unloacked the hd it gave me the error 5 so i went to get a modchip " I got the xecutor 2.6 C E with the switch and the bios for it Im using is x2 4983,06 kernal v 1.00.4883.06 but the thing is i dident turn off the soft moded part off. i used the slayers disk 2.7 and later on try took the c drive and deleted the c drive part but left the part for my xbox modchip to load the unleashX dash but i have it backed up on my computer so my question to is does the tsop invalve me getting a crismas light thing and no display or audio or error on the tv just when i turn the xbox har mod off and turn the xbox on it reboots three times then on the thured boot it gives me the red and green blinking and on the switch it's led is red not flashing just red and yes the xbox hd is locked with actual hd key and the switch for the xbox modchip switch is set to protected ok so your turn and dont send me to the xmes lights thread because it wont let me replay inless i can reply.
your post translation to English leaves allot to be desired so it's hard to follow what you are saying/asking. IF you haven't tried to flash the TSOP And you have a legitimate MS dash installed on the C drive the console Will boot with the chip disabled to the MS dash. with the chip disabled the switch is supposed to be Red and not blinking. but with the mod disabled and the switch red, the console should boot to an error screen Not frag unless you've screwed up the TSOP. kc
Is one programmer better than another? I am running into the same issues here. I have a X 2.6 CE and read on one forum that I could flash it with an X3 bios (3294); which I did. FRAG's now with the chip enabled (both banks) but works with the chip disabled. Also, I have a Xenium SPIce chip working in my XB v1.6 and can try hotswapping, if you think that will work. But when I bought the Xenium, they said it was only for v1.6 of the xbox. And I do not want to screw up my xbox to fix my friends v1.0. Any input would be appreciated.
when hot swapping chips to fix a bad flash you have to have the same chips. get The Official Xecuter 2.X Programmer they are around 10 bucks and re-flash your 2.6ce with a 2.6 BIOS also the Xenium Spice works on all box versions. the complete guide can be found here: http://www.teamxodus.com/pictures/Manuals/Spiceguidev9.pdf kc
KC36330, Thanks for the info. I was wondering if I would be able to use my Xenium, but since I fragged a different chip, obviously I can not. Where are you looking to find the programmer for $10? Cheapest price I found it for was $15 and most of them are going for $20. Once again, thanks for the quick response and I'll try to track down the $10 programmer. If you can not post the link to it here, could you please send me a PM?
hey i got quite a serious problem on my hands. The thing is my modded xbox xecuter2 is acting really strange. Like on my games menu games are missing, some games dont play do you guys no wah da problem is ?
Ok I'm sry that you cant understand what I'm saying so here it is "why i had to get it modded with a xecutor 2.6 ? answer i had it softmodded and unlocked the hd known as Hard Drive got an error 5. As soon as i got it hard modded with a xecutor 2.6 CE with a switch got the main C drive wiped and E weal i dident unsoftmod it, well i dident know that it was still softmodded tell i loaded up the slayers 2.7 disk and changed from evox the latest to unleashX from the slayers disk. Well as soon as i relized when i shut off the hard mod or you would say desable the hard mod it gave me th xmiss after three time reboot then on the thurd got the green and red flashing lights so, i barrowed a friends xbox that i used for that same exploit i used known as "splinter cell exploit from eltehalo2mods" back when it was 2005 in january well i got the dash from e drive and copyed it and then took the file called xboxdash.xbe from his c drive then replaced it with mine. thats all i havent tryed it yet because i want it to work but the thing is all i did on slayers disk was changed the main dash which is now unleashX no TSOP Flashing no enything just Dash swapping thats all i did in slayers disk so eny answers or ? are welcome and thanks for takeing the time on reading this lang son of a bing message on what happend. Sry for not bing clear i was in a hurry at the time so yea thnx again
Well, at least you have sign's and symptoms of your HD going out, Mine just DIED. Only had it for about 13 months and click click click. Had to totally rebuild the HD C partition from scratch. What a nightmare that was. By the way, found a programmer for the x 2.6 ce from themodchip dot com and so far, no response to my order. Placed it 3 days ago, sent multiple emails and even called and left a message. Has anyone had success from them? Hopefully so, cause I would hate to have to go to my bank and ask for them to stop payment.