Xecuter 2 trouble shooting, please help!

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by XboY, Jun 17, 2004.

  1. XboY

    XboY Member

    Jun 17, 2004
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    I recently got my Xbox modded with the Xecutor 2 mod chip, and everything went great. I had put an 80 gb hard drive on my box and about 20, 25 games. So one day, i was playing counter strike before work, and when i got home to finish, all my box would do is bring me to this Evox like alternative screen where my only options were to reboot, back up, settings, shutoff, and MS Dashboard. When i go to MS Dashboard it goes to a loading pager and then brings me right back where i started. What can i do? what happened? keep in mind i have FTP'd with nobody!
  2. nabila

    nabila Member

    Aug 25, 2003
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    some question for you..
    did you mod this xbox yourself?
    do you have knowledge on ftp?
    An answer of yes will make the process a whole lot easier for you.

    and why are you trying to load msdashboard, when you can load games from evox?

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