I saw that team Xecuter is about to mess with GC.My impression is this is really good news.I have a Xecuter modchip for my Xbox,and I love it.Anything I put in my Xbox it plays flawless.I am wondering are they going to release a modchip for the cube,and if so is it the direct boot modchip.If they do that would be awesome.
I aggree, this is great news. I expect to see some decent bios's from 'em (hopefully viper compatable), not to mention their own line of modchips that I wouldn't doubt would be no swap. I'm looking forward to see what they start doing.
well, then you guys are gonna be upset. it's been posted on maxconsole that they are making full-size dvd cases for the cube (which isn't really a bad thing). but who knows, maybe they're working on a bios too. i highly doubt they'll make a chip for it though.
Ummm...gulliver where do you see team Xecuter is making GC cases bro.I think it is still a mystery what they are working on for GC.I think you mean xtender right,they are working on GC cases and gamecubecase.com.
my bad...I don't know shite about xbox cuz I've never been interested in it. I guess the names both sounded the same to me
If you are looking for the teamextender Game cube XCM crystal series "Manufacturing has begun after the initial testing and prototype phases and the Game cube XCM crystal series is literally flying off the production line. We decided to give you a little ‘sneak peak’ at the production process in order to completely you assure you that the GC XCM crystal series will be available at a store near you very soon!" http://www.teamxtender.com/
Hey pusky I meant http://www.teamxecuter.com they are working on something,but I have no clue what it is.It is ok if you guys got confused,you are definately right about xtender though.Yeah they are making the xcm cases,which are probably going to look nice no lie.
It's cool man don't worry about it alright.I went and read off their forums,and they did mention that it wasn't a modchip.They said that ps2nfo.com had been spreading rumors about what they are making.Only time will tell,and I am proud of Xecuter also.They said that ps2nfo tried to bribe them like every other site,saying they wouldn't get far without ps2nfo.The peeps at Xecuter laughed at ps2nfo,because they don't need them which is what I definately agree with.That has to be the best news I heard about it so far,other than that whatever they do make won't be with ps2nfo.com .Which was cool with me since I don't use them,and for the distributors and other sites related to them.They are making themselves look kinda bad for even being apart with ps2nfo to be honest.Anyways I was trying not to post alot on the ps2nfo relation to Xecuter,because they are smart enough to see how ps2nfo treats people.