I need help, this has been bugging me for about 6 months. I modded my xbox using an Xecuter3 and upgraded to a 160g hard drive. I can use the xbox fine in modded mode (Blue LED), but when I try to use it normally (Red LED) it doesn't work. The ring round the eject button flashes from Red to Green and the TV screen shows 'Your Xbox requires service', (Error code 13) screen. If I change back to the old hard drive it works fine. I figure its something to do with the xboxdash.xbe on the C drive, but have replaced it by ftping with the back up on my pc but this doesn't fix it. I have the Original Xbox Hard drive and also have it backed up on my PC hard drive. What can I do to fix this problem? Many thanks
Cheers for the advice. I just checked and its already locked. Does the hard drive lock key have anything to do with it?
if the hd is already locked and still doesn't boot with the chip disabled, my guess is that you do NOT have the orginal ms dash stuff on the hd.
How do you put the original MSdash stuff on harddrive? I thought I'd FTP'd everything I needed over but clearly not. I just ftp'd the old hard disk to my PC, then ftp'd everything from my PC to the new one. I thought that was all I had to do. Thanks for the help
If you didn't ftp all the drive letters (not just C) then you're missing some files. Check xbins or the like for the M$ dash files and extras. Then just ftp them to the specified locations. Also if you use xbox live and originally signed up with the stock hd, it recorded the info on that drive. Logging on with the new hdd will get you banned.
I ftp'd all of the drive letters, so I shouldn't think that would be a problem. I still have them all backed up on my PC so I'll try them again. If not I'll give xbins a go incase there is anything wrong with my backups. I haven't used Xbox live yet so hopefully I won't get banned with the new drive although I'll probably use xbconnect instead of xbox live as its free and you don't get banned! I'll have to try to get it to ftp again first as since I changed the xbox's IP address to go on our home network rather than just changing my PC's to the Xbox's, its refusing to connect. It shouldn't make a difference what I set the Xbox's IP address to should it? I managed to ftp it from the x3's bios but have never succeeded from the Evox dashboard. I used Slayers to install Evox and have since heard that its useless. Could this have anything to do with it? I'm normally quite good with networks, I've done my student house at uni and my parents house without too many issues but this xbox is beating me!
well if you backed up the entire stock hd to the new hd, everything should work fine...the only other things i can think of is: the hd is UNLOCKED or the original ms dash files somehow were corrupted during transfer. i can almost bet that the hd is unlocked though do you know what error code you are getting?
Hard drive is definately locked, its easy to do in the X3's bios. Error code is 13. If I ever get flashfxp to work again I'll switch back to my old hard drive and ftp the files over again and replace the contents of C on the new one.
error 13 is a dashboard error...so if you can try and ftp the original dash files again...if the hd is unlocked the error code will be 5.
It definately sounds as if thats the problem, I seem to remember when I did it having to edit a file with notepad although I can't remember why. I'll not do that the next time and hopefully it will work. Thats if I ever get flashfxp to work, its so frustrating, if you add up all the time I've spent trying to get it to connect, its probably near enough 24 hours which is such a waste of time!
I've fixed it! It was the the original xboxdash that was playing up. I downloaded the original from x-b-o-x.net and replaced the xboxdash.xbe and the necessary folders on C drive. Now it works perfectly. For some reason the only way I managed to ftp it in the end was by using the IP address 192.168 which is weird, I wanted 172.16 because thats what my home networks on, sadly it just won't work. Anyone know why that is?