xenium ice problems

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware boot discussion' started by thejaff, May 31, 2005.

  1. thejaff

    thejaff Member

    Jan 24, 2005
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    x box led was flashing orange and i know what that means , but it mysteriously stopped.chip led was red now its green. now this is my current situation. xenium led is green. x box led is flashing red. xenium led turns yellow for a second and in that second the dvd drive makes a noise like its a disc changer or something , and the flashing red x box led goes green ...the xenium goes back green the x box led goes back to flashing red then i go to flashing red and it cycles.so whats the bad news .you have the floor it has done many things but this is most recent heatsinks heat up quick and explain the switch on the xenium ...what position is what? thanks
  2. ismith

    ismith Guest

    What version xbox do you have??

    Also, if your xbox is open, try putting it back together. You never know because it worked on my 1.4 as far as the switch, there are two positions if I remember correctly and in order to load to xenium os, the swich had to be on the black dot, if not, move it o ver and then try to see if it works.
  3. thejaff

    thejaff Member

    Jan 24, 2005
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    1.6 version....thanks for advice
  4. ismith

    ismith Guest

    So, if you have a version 1.6 I am hopeing that you have a Zenium S.P. ice. If you do, do the other led's on the solderless adapter light up in orange, or does the chip its self light up in green?

    Some of your wired that are connecting your DVD drive and harddrive may be loose such as the IDE cable. Also if you are trying to use a new harddrive, note that it can only be installed when the chip is working, so put back your original seagate harddrive.

    When you say that the xbox led's flash red and green, do you see any type of error message that is shown in like 6 languages?? If so, there can be several other things that can be the issue.
  5. thejaff

    thejaff Member

    Jan 24, 2005
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    version 1.6 yep....xenium sp ice ...yep solderless adapter...trashed it ...no lights lit up...think its because my 3 year old was caught running around with it on the carpet... decided to solder it in....chips light comes on green...pretty sure all cables were securely hooked up....old hard drive still in...not hooked to t.v. so i do not know about visual errors. uninstalled chip completely... still get an orange x box led....going to wal mart bye for now thanx for help

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