Hello all, I just purchased and intalled a Xenium SP.ICE on my v1.0 xbox. My fist question is....I can't seem to load any bios on my xbox. I go to launch menu then choose flash. Next it shows on the screen C:, E:, X:, Y:, Z:. where do I go from there??? I browse around all of them and it always say, "does not fit", does this mean I need to get a bigger hard drive? Am I doing something wrong? Right now I feel like I wasted money on this mod chip because it is not doing anything. I tried downloading cromwell from the internet and burning it onto a disc with nero and then putting it into my xbox...it still didn't do anything. When installing my mod chip I followed the ice guide to help me. After the installation was done, the guide explained how to set up the flash bios. The guide said to browse around as if I were on the internet and then choose a bios. As an example, the guide used cromwell, what is cromwell? Should it have already been on my xbox or mod chip? How do I intall it onto my xbox? Please, anyone out there....help me figure this out...I'm pulling my hair out over this. Thanks.
dang dude. i have the exact same problem. please. anybody. help. i do not want to return my chip ( if i can ) and i feel right now like it was a waste of money. please. please help. asap.
OK guys, I will try to help. 1. Can u boot to Xenium OS? 2. If you can, u will need to FTP your new bios from your PC to your XB. 3> you will need FlashFXP to network your PC and your XB. 4. If everything works, FTP your bios to your C: 5. Try to flash it again.