Hello, I just formated my PC and installation of XP, network, etc. went flawlessly. All of my other usb Peripherals connected without a hitch, including, mouse, video capture card and external DVD burner. I go to plug in my Xitel HIFI link and a little bubble pops up in the bottom of the screen saying "found new hardware". It then gives me a "found new hardware wizard" that eventually fails. Windows calls the device "USB Audio". It has worked in the past with the computer I'm tring to connect it to (pre-format) and also currently works with other PCs in my house. Xitel web site says that the driver that Xitel uses is in windows, and that no other software is required. I need HELP. I contacted Dell and of course the tech support is lousy. I am pretty computer savy and know my way around stuff most of the time but I've hit a stump. I flash'd my bios to the latest available version and have kept my PC updated. Regards, steve7777
if found in device manager, uninstall it from device manager & restart windows to let it load it's own driver. is there an exclamation mark in device manager & did you load the motherboard driver or let windows load it's own??
Yeah I did what you suggested, but that did not work. As it turns out, I'm using an OEM version of windows XP (the version that came with my laptop originally) and that drivers don't always install correctly because of it. Solution: Formatted PC, again. Made sure to keep the Xitel plugged in while I was reinstalling XP. It works beautifully. I wish I could have figured it out with less headaches. Thanks for the help, steve7777