Hey question im am having issues with xp(direct x one of my 2 dvd burners) Its probably my fault for downloading so much trail crap etc etc. I want to install a fresh copy of xp but i hate having to call microsoft ( did it around January). My question is if the repair windows option doesnt work and i need to do a clean install 1 Is it ok to install the os over the old os instead of deleting it and my old partition 2 If i install the os over top will i still need to call microsoft when it tries to register via the internet and looks at my reg # My xp disk is a legit disk i brought i just hate having to call them what can i do
Not sure of the answer to the first question. I always reformatted the disc on a reinstall. As to the second, search for "wpa.dbl". Copy this file. After you reinstall replace the new file with the old one. The effect may not be immediate, it may take a few days and reboots. P.S. If you reinstall much, you might want to make a "slipstreamed" boot disc. You can update your disc with all the lastest updates.
Thanks 56delray i actually ordered the sp 2 disk and have that. I did a search on what you said and found some info does this look about right http://members.rushmore.com/~jsky/id32.html
Sorry I meant search your PC for the wpa.dbl file. It will be in the Windows folder. I am not at home so I cant tell you where. Be sure to search in hidden and system files. Edit Slipstream
56delray I understood what you meant i just put the link up for you to look at to make sure i do this right ive alread saved the file you said to save as well as the other file the link said to save they are both in my system 32 folder Once again thanks for your help