I am trying to do a total reinstall of XP on a DELL Dimension 8400. Everything appears to go normal. It formats the drive and then starts copying files, but always gets hung up at 17% and dumps to the dreaded blue screen. I've tried several times and same results. Is this a hardware related problem or something else? Any suggestions on how to maybe handle this?
best to set the computer as to it was day one to reinstall win xp..,remove all added in cards or any hardware added.. add them in after the xp install .. or the install disk has a problem,,contack dell.. for me then it goes like a breeze.........
Well, it does have an additional sound and video card, but I think they were the original ones that came shipped with the PC from DELL. I guess I can take the audio card out and try it then.
I think in this case the problem will not be fixed having souncard removed. What is message in blue screen: STOP 0x000000xyz etc.? You have also XP licence code on the box. Also you can use this and some other XP installing CD. Better to loan from someone CD with SP2.
this one time when i had to reformat my computer if i loaded it up normally it would restart and if i used the set-up disk it would also bring me to the blue screen with a stop time error they way i fixed it was when the computer starts up quickly press F2. then find the BIOS and turn it off. i cant tell you exactly how to do it since all computers have it set up differently but if you turn it off and then put in the set-up disk it should let windows install it self again with no problem
Most interesting, but the computer do not work without BIOS. It is probably something else you have disconnected. BIOS can normally been disconnected only taking away the battery of it. Eg. without BIOS computers cant use CDstation to install Windows.
or tey turning off the internal hard disk. i set mine from auto to none and ran the disk and that worked