hey guys, i need some help. a few days ago i rebooted my main computer and when xp is loading it goes to the blue screen and says Registy_Error, then some stuff about hardware and software and whatnot. i disconnected my recent hardware and still got the same thing. i tried to load the recover console but when it tells me to choose the drive, and i type in "1", it just freezes. also, when i try a repair boot, i accept the agreement and it goes back to the blue screen, i havent found anything online helping me more. can anyone here help me?
This guide shows you how to restore your backed up registry (if it exists....mine didnt exist in a Win2k Server that corrupted the software hive). http://support.microsoft.com/kb/322756 Hope this helps. ~Rich
to the first reply: it says things like "this problem may have been caused by any new hardware oir software ebing added to the system". i added a tv tuner card a few weeks ago, and installed it and thatmight be the problem, but i doubt it. i removed it and tried restarting...no help. to the second reply: all of that requiresd you to be able to log onto your computer, and i cant even get into system restore. thanks anyway. iwas thinking if maybe theres someway i can save the correct registry files to a floppy or cd from a working compy, and perhaps upload them on the broken one. i just kinda made that up but it seems plausible.
Have you tried starting the system into Safe Mode? That mode bypasses all but the necessary generic drivers to start the system.