computer worked great this morn with no prob. this after noon tryed to boot and it is stuck in a boot looop after windows progress bar. tryed f8 safe mode did not work. reset boot up to cd for windows cd repair does not work. tried cmos to safe set up does not work. came up with were sorry screen and to click on safe mode of last good config but it wont let me arrow up. running out of things to do. please help.
It may be one of your memory dems. Just open your computer, take them out, and put `em back in. EDIT: They look like this...
I am not sure if there is a better solution to this but I have had this happen to me and other similar issues to. If you have the xp pro CD I would put it in drive go into the bios and change first boot device to the cd rom where XP is then reboot.It should ask you boot to CD push any key it will go run for a minute. It should stop at a blue screen I can not remeber what the screen says exactly but it is the install screen select reinstall leaving system intact it may work it says something to that effect. If it works I would burn all the stuff you want to keep then format and reload everything or let it run but it may crash again. If that does not work slave the drive to another drive pull all your need stuff off to other drive or burn it to a disk and do the dreaded format and reinstall. I just thought of something else make sure your reset or reboot switch on the computer by the power button (what ever you call it)is not stuck I would probably just unplug it from the motherboard I have seen this before good luck.
good call the keyboard that happened couple of weeks ago on a computer i built for my father inlaw when installing XP it says press F8 to proceed and it would not move forward it was the keyboard.
i have told it to boot from cd and put in the xp cd it tries but does not read it then reboots. the keyboard works under cmos but will not scroll up when it ask to boot from last good config or in safe mode. i have pulled out the ram and replaced does not work i reset the cmos, does not work. any other ideas?
MBR virus.. probably killme12... wipe the drive completely after removing all partitions then reinstall.. bye bye data. (sorry to tell you this, but it's what comes from running a sh***y, unstable, patched and bloated OS that all the hackers and virus builders know inside out)
Janrocks has been here quite a while and really knows her stuff. This is a risk but if there is stuff on that drive that you have to have then this may work. I have done this before and it worked. If it is the virus janrocks has mentioned I don not know what it does or can do you may read up on it but this is what I did. **IF YOU DO THIS DO IT AT YOUR OWN RISK I DO NOT TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANYTHING THAT MAY HAPPEN.** My scary ass covering bit. It look like you have another computer you are posting here. If You have another computer or hard drive which you can load XP make sure the computer or new drive has a up to date virus program slave the bad drive to the other good drive and then run a full virus scan on it then I would go to and run a full scan on it again. The risky part of doing this is you could infect the good drive. Hopefully if they do find something it can be fixed for your sake. Once it is running again I would burn all the stuff you need to or want to save to a disk at least you will be able to save stuff you want. Then Format the infective drive with a program that actual writes zero to all sectors of the drive. do a search on google for UBCD boot cd there is a program on there under drive tools by seagate that can do this.Then start load everything back on the drive before you use the backup CD you burned of all your saved stuff scan the hell out of it for viruses you never know if the bug is hiding there. If you do not want to risk another computer or hard drive get the UBCD boot CD and still write zero's to the drive it is the best way to wipe a drive clean. It pretty much returns the drive to the state it came from the MFG. Some may think this is overkill but it did work for me in the past good luck let me know how it goes.