XP Recovery Disk

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by FishinGuy, Nov 8, 2005.

  1. FishinGuy

    FishinGuy Member

    Jul 15, 2005
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    Howdy ALL,

    I was wondering if there is a way to create a bootable XP disk. I went to the Windows page and found where to down load the 6 floppys but my lap top doesn't have a flopy drive.


  2. Rosco404

    Rosco404 Guest

    Have you got the XP disc that came with the laptop or any disc at all?
  3. FishinGuy

    FishinGuy Member

    Jul 15, 2005
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    I have nothing. I called the company and I can get a disc if I want to pay another 20 bucks plus shipping. I just seems to me if you can get windows XP on floppy you should be able to get it on cd.
  4. Rosco404

    Rosco404 Guest

    You cant get XP on floppy! (hehe) Its to big to fit on floppy discs... Those 6 floppys you see on Microsoft's web site are Boot Floppys only... If your CD drive has problems booting the xp disc or cant boot bootable discs then those floppys have the initial boot sequence on them so it can read the CD drive....

    You may have to get the XP disc from the laptop manufactuer for the $20....
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 9, 2005
  5. chromesn

    chromesn Guest

    you might try this:


    don't know if it works without originall disks (been awhile since i used it to build a boot disk), but all the info is there on the site.

    good luck
  6. Rosco404

    Rosco404 Guest

    Yeah you need the original disc for pebuilder (BartPE) as it needs to extract files for it to work...

    FishinGuy what do you want to do re-install windows?

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