BAh I keep finding thier stupid 2MB download tool..I want the whole thing so I can install it when I am OFFLINE,or trouble shooting and such,since MS has deiced not to support he only version of XP I use I just want the updates in one nice install....
Officially, Microsoft is ending their support for SP1, on the 10th of October. Which still gives you the chance to download all the post SP1 updates. One way to get the downloads, is to have MS Update download, but not install the updates...then go to the folder they are kept in, and copy/save them to another folder..or MU will delete them after installing.
Why don't you just dl SP2 it contains sp1 + new updates. If not, SP1: or
beuse SP2 hate older programs and hardware as well as wants to reactivate every time I sneeze,I can do without big brother thank you...
Hey zippyDSM; the modification in XP from 98 pretty much takes care of the stall problem after extended "ON" time, but with the SP 1 & 2 you recieve better security measures, and the "Run As 95" option, that I thought were pretty nice. this being that I too have some older proggies that don't like XP. Plus better "ON" time retention. But, it was hard for me to make the change, not going to say it's for everyone. Happy Hunting.
You can order a FREE XP SP2 update on cd.
mackdl yes but in there lies the problem I wont touch SP2 becuse of buggyness and big brother wanting to re activate it every time I rebuild my cop and test parts....
I hear yah! I have updated my older computer with new components, didn't have many problems until my son added another stick of ram. "Message came have made too many changes". He had to phone Microsoft, was told if unable to validate online, I would need a new license, REPAY of course! NO WAY, it was only activated ONCE and was a legitimate purchase. My son was relaying all of this over the cellphone while we were on holidays LOL. TG, he was able to validate it. Microsoft would have gotten a piece of my mind! One is treated like a criminal even when you're not!