Xp sp2 problem

Discussion in 'Windows - Software discussion' started by GeoHound, Dec 25, 2005.

  1. GeoHound

    GeoHound Member

    Dec 22, 2002
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    Hi everyone, I'm having a problem uninstalling sp2, I tried to install it today and half way through my comp turned off. I tried uninstalling it and half way through my comp turned off again. I still see it in add/remove programs, i tried everything even repairing but it still seem to be in the add/remove programs list. anyone have ideas so i can't my automatic updates to install it again, i need to somehow remove it.
  2. ChimpyD

    ChimpyD Guest

    Try using the uninstall feature in EasyCleaner at http://personal.inet.fi/business/toniarts/ It's Freeware. When running program, there is a button that opens into the "add/remove programs" section. Click on it and IF your file is listed, click remove. Should take out what's in "add/remove programs".

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