Xp vs 7........

Discussion in 'Windows - General discussion' started by pspweazl, Feb 1, 2010.

  1. pspweazl

    pspweazl Member

    Jul 30, 2008
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    I am running Winows XP withthe latest service pack, I have never (nor would I ever) had Vista but am thinking about Windows 7? What are everyones thought? Or would I be better off to scrap the whole thing and go with Linux or Ubuntu or whatever? I recently dumped Explorer for Firefox (and I love IT)and chose Open Office over the MS office suite (anothe fantastic choice I say). Just looking for opinions here folks, please let me know what you think.
  2. jony218

    jony218 Guest

    It depends on the speed of your cpu and video card. Windows 7 needs a mid to high end PC to run decently. XP will run great on a old PC.
    When I tried windows 7 on a semprom 2800 with 1gb ram and ati 9600 pro, it was slow, XP was a speed demon on the same hardware.

    Windows 7 from my experience is more of a cosmetic change, it doesn't do anything that XP can't do. Everyone says it's more "secure", but XP is just as secure. If you play games then windows 7 might be useful since it has directx 10. Some games will only play on 7.

  3. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    What he said :)
    It's nice and everything but it's certainly not an essential upgrade. Put it this way, my Quad Core machine is staying on XP despite all my video encoding programs working perfectly fine in Win7.
  4. hoppy54

    hoppy54 Member

    Apr 11, 2008
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    7 dances all over the top of xp in every way.
    i was a big xp fan and point blank refused to upgrade to vista but 7 is a genuine upgrade.
    Im dual booting with xp and 7 and the simple "god mode" hack gives you direct access to set 7 up correctly.
    Once set up right it makes xp look shabby and handles intensive apps much smoother and quicker.
  5. 1nsan3

    1nsan3 Regular member

    Apr 23, 2007
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    1. You say you will never use Vista.. lol but 7 is Vista with a bit more eye candi thats it.... hehe

    2. I would stick to xp. unless you have atleast 2 gigs of ram with a good video card. i downgraded my laptop even tho it has both.. i can do the same damn thing with xp as i can do with vista. i hate all that eye candy crap. it uses more ram for what.. LOOKS and thats it!!!

    oooo its pretty!!! WHO CARES!!

    but hey if ya like all that pretty nitty stuff go for the upgrade.
  6. dsgtrain

    dsgtrain Regular member

    Dec 15, 2003
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    Personally, I have made the swap on my daily PC but I have everything else on XP. I find using Windows 7 a whole lot easier for the everyday tasks, although some settings and things in 7 take me twice as long to find than in XP (that’s just what I have got used to over the years).

    The only time I would recommend anyone upgrade is if they want to play DX10/11 games and/or have recent hardware. Other than DX10/11 games XP is just as capable a OS as 7.

    @1nsan3 - I find both Vista and 7 to be identical looks wise. 7 is more about the looks than XP but underneath I find it a lot less clunky than Vista and it seems to actually want to always work. There's a significant speed improvement too.

  7. revengine

    revengine Regular member

    Nov 28, 2006
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    I agree whole heartedly with dsgtrain. I'm running windows 7 home premium. Seems to be a remarkable improvement over the xp system restore, and I like the ease of backing up all of my system files, and programs on a external hd. Rev
  8. hoppy54

    hoppy54 Member

    Apr 11, 2008
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    7 has the same kernel as Vista but to say they are the same is way off the mark.
    7 is what Vista should have been and 7 can run on a fraction of the power that Vista uses.
    I can run 7 on an old clunker i have with 1gb ram and an ati x300,250mb graphics card with no problems.
    If you don't like eye candy then switch the aero off but you can't knock it because it looks better than xp and uses a little more ram as a result.
    An average desktop will power 7 easily and it was the easiest oes i have ever installed.

    I am no fan of Microsoft but i have no complaints about 7.
    What did you want 7 to be like fella?

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