If it was an upgrade, reformat your Hard Drive If your PC came that way, you'll probably lose most of your computer's drivers - It (XP) is the best thing in the world - why do you want to get rid of it ??
If you used the XP upgrade and saved your old files when it asked you during the install, you can just uninstall Xp from the control panel(add-remove programs). It should work. If after doing so you have problems, then a re-format and install of the other Windows system will be needed as Pete suggested. Jerry
Nephilim your post didnt say much,whats your point?Are you saying xp is good or bad?This thread isnt about windows M.E.,i was just giving my opinion,about xp.geezzz.I do agree with you about m.e. tho.
I have a cd-r/cd-rw drive, it wont work on XP(only works on Windows 95, 98, and 2000*ME*) I want to get xp off of my computer so I can get the drive to work.<I also dont want to go out to get another cd-r/cd-rw drive> Can anyone please tell me how to solve the problem or how to uninstall XP?
WHAT!!!! Has somebody been winding you up or something? An optical that works under the others, but NOT XP? You are having us on, surely!! We are talking about Microsoft Windows XP, aren't we? Is it an external drive or something weird? ALL internal ATAPI drives are recognised by XP, automatically.
i found my problem, i just need the buring software, but can anyone tell me where i can get one for philips cdd3610 CD-R/RW. please
Yeah, Stomp RecordNow Max 4.5 supports it: http://www.stompinc.com/recordnowmax/index.phtml?stp As does Sonic's version. So does Nero: http://www.nero.com/en/nero6.html Avoid Roxio like the plague!!! I thought it a bit suspicious, XP not supporting a drive... Hope this helps... _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Life is just more of the same:[/small]
Hello there "Doc", FYI, Whenever you post Nero's URL - you have to go back and click "edit" - you don't have to "edit" anything - it just straightens out your posted hyperlink Otherwise - -> en/nero6.html" class="korostus" target="_blank"> Yea, that stuff follows you around :-( Bye, Bye - "P"
Hiya Pete, Thanks for the tip, have done it.... As you are well aware, I think Nero is flakey, looks like the form engine thinks so too, as even the hyperlinks to their site don't work right without jumping through hoops. Byeeee...