Recently i downloaded a XVID movie. The first 100 minutes didn't give any problem with playing it (Some slight freezes, but nothing serious). But after +/- 100 minutes the movie gets freezing a lot for 2 minutes and finally crashes at one point. When I skip those 2 minutes the movie goes on without a problem. Clearly there are 2 bad minutes in the movie. I tried everything to solve the problem. I used virtualdub error report to find bad sectors, but it didnt find any! I saved the movie again in virtualdub with video direct stream and audio direct stream. I also tried divfix and divxrepair, but those programs also didn't find any problems. Now I can't decode the movie to VCD(I use TEMPGEnc) because TEMPGEnc crashes when it reach those 2 minutes Does anybody know what could be wrong with it and how to fix the problem so I can decode the XVID file to VCD ? Maho
1. If the corruption isnt long consider cutting out those frames with VirtualDUB 2. You can sometimes try to bruteforce reencode the movie again with VirtualDub
VirtualDub: File-->Open Check the Popup Extended Options Box Open avi. Check the re-derive keyframes flags box Video and Audio menu: direct stream copy Save Avi.